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Journal of Bionic Engineering

ISSN 1672-6529

CN 22-1355/TB

Editor-in-Chief : Luquan Ren Published by Science Press and Springer

Table of Content
30 September 2008, Volume 5 Issue 3
A Phase-Dependent Hypothesis for Locomotor Functions of Human Foot Complex
Lei Ren1; David Howard2; Lu-quan Ren3; Chris Nester2; Li-mei Tian3
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  175-180.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1616 )   PDF  
The human foot is a very complex structure comprising numerous bones, muscles, ligaments and synovial joints. As the only component in contact with the ground, the foot complex delivers a variety of biomechanical functions during human locomotion, e.g. body support and propulsion, stability maintenance and impact absorption. These need the human foot to be rigid and damped to transmit ground reaction forces to the upper body and maintain body stability, and also to be compliant and resilient to moderate risky impacts and save energy. How does the human foot achieve these apparent conflicting functions? In this study, we propose a phase-dependent hypothesis for the overall locomotor functions of the human foot complex based on in-vivo measurements of human natural gait and simulation results of a mathematical foot model. We propse that foot functions are highly dependent on gait phase, which is a major characteristics of human locomotion. In early stance just after heel strike, the foot mainly works as a shock absorber by moderating high impacts using the viscouselastic heel pad in both vertical and horizontal directions. In mid-stance phase (~80% of stance phase), the foot complex can be considered as a springy rocker, reserving external mechanical work using the foot arch whilst moving ground contact point forward along a curved path to maintain body stability. In late stance after heel off, the foot complex mainly serves as a force modulator like a gear box, modulating effective mechanical advantages of ankle plantiflexor muscles using metatarsal-phalangeal joints. A sound under-standing of how diverse functions are implemented in a simple foot segment during human locomotion might be useful to gain insight into the overall foot locomotor functions and hence to facilitate clinical diagnosis, rehabilitation product design and humanoid robot development.
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Biological Jumping Mechanism Analysis and Modeling for Frog Robot
Meng Wang; Xi-zhe Zang; Ji-zhuang Fan; Jie Zhao
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  181-188.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1593 )   PDF  
This paper presents a mechanical model of jumping robot based on the biological mechanism analysis of frog. By bio-logical observation and kinematic analysis the frog jump is divided into take-off phase, aerial phase and landing phase. We find the similar trajectories of hindlimb joints during jump, the important effect of foot during take-off and the role of forelimb in supporting the body. Based on the observation, the frog jump is simplified and a mechanical model is put forward. The robot leg is represented by a 4-bar spring/linkage mechanism model, which has three Degrees of Freedom (DOF) at hip joint and one DOF (passive) at tarsometatarsal joint on the foot. The shoulder and elbow joints each has one DOF for the balancing function of arm. The ground reaction force of the model is analyzed and compared with that of frog during take-off. The results show that the model has the same advantages of low likelihood of premature lift-off and high efficiency as the frog. Analysis results and the model can be employed to develop and control a robot capable of mimicking the jumping behavior of frog.
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Multi-Scale Compliant Foot Designs and Fabrication for Use with a Spider-Inspired Climbing Robot
Dan Sameoto; Yasong Li; Carlo Menon
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  189-196.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1762 )   PDF  
Climbing robots are of potential use for surveillance, inspection and exploration in different environments. In particular, the use of climbing robots for space exploration can allow scientists to explore environments too challenging for traditional wheeled designs. To adhere to surfaces, biomimetic dry adhesives based on gecko feet have been proposed. These biomimetic dry adhesives work by using multi-scale compliant mechanisms to make intimate contact with different surfaces and adhere by using Van der Waals forces. Fabrication of these adhesives has frequently been challenging however, due to the difficulty in combining macro, micro and nanoscale compliance. We present an all polymer foot design for use with a hexapod climbing robot and a fabrication method to improve reliability and yield. A high strength, low-modulus silicone, TC-5005, is used to form the foot base and microscale fibres in one piece by using a two part mold. A macroscale foot design is produced using a 3D printer to produce a base mold, while lithographic definition of microscale fibres in a thick photoresist forms the ‘hairs’ of the polymer foot. The adhesion of the silicone fibres by themselves or attached to the macro foot is examined to determine best strategies for placement and removal of feet to maximize adhesion. Results demonstrate the successful integration of micro and macro compliant feet for use in climbing on a variety of surfaces.
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Blackboard Mechanism Based Ant Colony Theory for Dynamic Deployment of Mobile Sensor Networks
Guang-ping Qi; Ping Song; Ke-jie Li
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  197-203.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1655 )   PDF  
A novel bionic swarm intelligence algorithm, called ant colony algorithm based on a blackboard mechanism, is proposed to solve the autonomy and dynamic deployment of mobiles sensor networks effectively. A blackboard mechanism is introduced into the system for making pheromone and completing the algorithm. Every node, which can be looked as an ant, makes one information zone in its memory for communicating with other nodes and leaves pheromone, which is created by ant itself in nature. Then ant colony theory is used to find the optimization scheme for path planning and deployment of mobile Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). We test the algorithm in a dynamic and unconfigurable environment. The results indicate that the algorithm can reduce the power consumption by 13% averagely, enhance the efficiency of path planning and deployment of mobile WSN by 15% averagely.
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Effect of Air Plasma Processing on the Adsorption Behaviour of Bovine Serum Albumin on Spin-Coated PMMA Surfaces
Chaozong Liu1; Brian J. Meenan2
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  204-214.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1350 )   PDF  
This paper reports the adsorption of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) onto Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) processed Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) surfaces by a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) tech-nique. The purpose is to study the influence of DBD processing on the nature and scale of BSA adsorption on PMMA surface in vitro. It was observed that DBD processing improves the surface wettability of PMMA film, a fact attributable to the changes in surface chemistry and topography. Exposure of the PMMA to Phosphate Buffed Saline (PBS) solution in the QCM-D system resulted in surface adsorption which reaches an equilibrium after about 30 minutes for pristine PMMA, and 90 minutes for processed PMMA surface. Subsequent injection of BSA in PBS indicated that the protein is immediately adsorbed onto the PMMA surface. It was revealed that adsorption behaviour of BSA on pristine PMMA differs from that on processed PMMA surface. A slower adsorption kinetics was observed for pristine PMMA surface, whilst a quick adsorption kinetics for processed PMMA. Moreover, the dissipation shift of protein adsorption suggested that BSA forms a more rigid structure on pristine PMMA surface that on processed surface. These data suggest that changes in wettability and attendant chemical properties and surface texture of the PMMA surface may play a significant role in BSA adsorption process.
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A Novel Method for Prediction of Protein Domain Using Distance-Based Maximal Entropy
Shu-xue Zou; Yan-xin Huang; Yan Wang; Chun-guang Zhou
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  215-223.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1378 )   PDF  
Detecting the boundaries of protein domains is an important and challenging task in both experimental and computational structural biology. In this paper, a promising method for detecting the domain structure of a protein from sequence information alone is presented. The method is based on analyzing multiple sequence alignments derived from a database search. Multiple measures are defined to quantify the domain information content of each position along the sequence. Then they are combined into a single predictor using support vector machine. What is more important, the domain detection is first taken as an imbal-anced data learning problem. A novel undersampling method is proposed on distance-based maximal entropy in the feature space of Support Vector Machine (SVM). The overall precision is about 80%. Simulation results demonstrate that the method can help not only in predicting the complete 3D structure of a protein but also in the machine learning system on general im-balanced datasets.
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The Functional Role of the Hollow Region of the Butterfly Pyrameis atalanta (L.) Scale
Igor Kovalev
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  224-230.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1488 )   PDF  
Questions concerning the functional role of the hollow region of the butterfly Pyrameis atalanta (L.) scale are experimentally investigated. Attention was initially directed to this problem by observation of the complex microstructure of the butterfly scale as well as other studies indicating higher lift on butterfly wings covered with scale. The aerodynamic forces were measured for two oscillating scale models. Results indicated that the air cavity of an oscillating model of the Pyrameis atalanta (L.) scale increased the lift by a factor of 1.15 and reduced the damping coefficients by a factor of 1.38. The modification of the aerodynamic effects on the model of butterfly scale was due to an increase of the virtual air mass, which influenced the body. The hollow region of the scale increased the virtual air mass by a factor of 1.2. The virtual mass of the butterfly scale with the hollow region was represented as the sum of air mass of two imaginary geometrical figures: a circular cylinder around the scale and a right-angled parallelepiped within the hollow region. The interaction mechanism of the butterfly Pyrameis atalanta (L.) scale with a flow was described. This novel interaction mechanism explained most geometrical features of the airpermeable butterfly scale (inverted V-profile of the ridges, nozzle of the tip edge, hollow region, and openings of the upper lamina) and their arrangement.
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Elastic Buckling of Bionic Cylindrical Shells Based on Bamboo
Jian-feng Ma1; Wu-yi Chen1; Ling Zhao1; Da-hai Zhao2
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  231-238.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1502 )   PDF  
High load-bearing efficiency is one of the advantages of biological structures after the evolution of billions of years. Biomimicking from nature may offer the potential for lightweight design. In the viewpoint of mechanics properties, the culm of bamboo comprises of two types of cells and the number of the vascular bundles takes a gradient of distribution. A three-point bending test was carried out to measure the elastic modulus. Results show that the elastic modulus of bamboo decreases gradually from the periphery towards the centre. Based on the structural characteristics of bamboo, a bionic cylindrical structure was designed to mimic the gradient distribution of vascular bundles and parenchyma cells. The buckling resistance of the bionic structure was compared with that of a traditional shell of equal mass under axial pressure by finite element simulations. Results show that the load-bearing capacity of bionic shell is increased by 124.8%. The buckling mode of bionic structure is global buckling while that of the conventional shell is local buckling.
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Using a Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor for Rapid Detection of Salmonella Typhimurium in Chicken Carcass
Yu-bin Lan1; Shi-zhou Wang2; Yong-guang Yin3; W. Clint Hoffmann1; Xian-zhe Zheng4
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  239-246.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1832 )   PDF  
Chicken is one of the most popular meat products in the world. Salmonella Typhimurium is a common foodborne pathogens associated with the processing of poultry. An optical Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) biosensor was sensitive to the presence of Salmonella Typhimurium in chicken carcass. The Spreeta biosensor kits were used to detect Salmonella Typhimurium on chicken carcass successfully. A taste sensor like electronic tongue or biosensors was used to basically “taste” the object and differentiated one object from the other with different taste sensor signatures. The surface plasmon resonance biosensor has potential for use in rapid, real-time detection and identification of bacteria, and to study the interaction of organisms with dif-ferent antisera or other molecular species. The selectivity of the SPR biosensor was assayed using a series of antibody con-centrations and dilution series of the organism. The SPR biosensor showed promising to detect the existence of Salmonella Typhimurium at 1 × 106 CFU/ml. Initial results show that the SPR biosensor has the potential for its application in pathogenic bacteria monitoring. However, more tests need to be done to confirm the detection limitation.
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Fast and Robust Stereo Vision Algorithm for Obstacle Detection
Yi-peng Zhou
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  247-252.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1401 )   PDF  
Binocular computer vision is based on bionics, after the calibration through the camera head by double-exposure image synchronization, access to the calculation of two-dimensional image pixels of the three-dimensional depth information. In this paper, a fast and robust stereo vision algorithm is described to perform in-vehicle obstacles detection and characterization. The stereo algorithm which provides a suitable representation of the geometric content of the road scene is described, and an in-vehicle embedded system is presented. We present the way in which the algorithm is used, and then report experiments on real situations which show that our solution is accurate, reliable and efficient. In particular, both processes are fast, generic, robust to noise and bad conditions, and work even with partial occlusion.
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Comparison of Algorithms for an Electronic Nose in Identifying Liquors
Zhi-biao Shi1; Tao Yu2; Qun Zhao1; Yang Li3; Yu-bin Lan4
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  253-257.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1443 )   PDF  
When the electronic nose is used to identify different varieties of distilled liquors, the pattern recognition algorithm is chosen on the basis of the experience, which lacks the guiding principle. In this research, the different brands of distilled spirits were identified using the pattern recognition algorithms (principal component analysis and the artificial neural network). The recognition rates of different algorithms were compared. The recognition rate of the Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is the highest. Owing to the slow convergence speed of the BPNN, it tends easily to get into a local minimum. A chaotic BPNN was tried in order to overcome the disadvantage of the BPNN. The convergence speed of the chaotic BPNN is 75.5 times faster than that of the BPNN.
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Experimentation of Fish Swimming Based on Tracking Locomotion Locus
Hui Yan; Yu-min Su; Liang Yang
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  258-263.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1539 )   PDF  

There are many kinds of swimming mode in the fish world, and we investigated two of them, used by cyprinids and bull-trout. In this paper we track the locomotion locus by marks in different flow velocity from 0.2 m•s-1 to 0.8 m•s-1. By fit the data above we could find out the locomotion mechanism of the two kinds of fish and generate a mathematical model of fish kine-matics. The cyprinid fish has a greater oscillation period and amplitude compared with the bulltrout, and the bulltrout changes velocity mainly by controlling frequency of oscillation.

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Design and Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Humanoid Robot Eye Using Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
Xuan-yin Wang; Yang Zhang; Xiao-jie Fu; Gui-shan Xiang
J4. 2008, 5 (3):  264-270.  DOI:
Abstract ( 1443 )   PDF  

This paper proposed a novel humanoid robot eye, which is driven by six Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs) and rotates with 3 Degree of Freedom (DOF). The design of the mechanism and motion type of the robot eye are inspired by that of human eyes. The model of humanoid robot eye is established as a parallel mechanism, and the inverse-kinematic problem of this flexible tendons driving parallel system is solved by the analytical geometry method. As an extension, the simulation result for saccadic movement is presented under three conditions. The design and kinematic analysis of the prototype could be a sig-nificant step towards the goal of building an autonomous humanoid robot eye with the movement and especially the visual functions similar to that of human.

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