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Experimentation of Fish Swimming Based on Tracking Locomotion Locus

Hui Yan; Yu-min Su; Liang Yang   

  1. Laboratory of Underwater Vehicle, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, P. R. China
  • Received:2007-12-04 Revised:2008-02-01 Online:2008-09-30 Published:2008-02-01
  • Contact: Hui Yan


There are many kinds of swimming mode in the fish world, and we investigated two of them, used by cyprinids and bull-trout. In this paper we track the locomotion locus by marks in different flow velocity from 0.2 m•s-1 to 0.8 m•s-1. By fit the data above we could find out the locomotion mechanism of the two kinds of fish and generate a mathematical model of fish kine-matics. The cyprinid fish has a greater oscillation period and amplitude compared with the bulltrout, and the bulltrout changes velocity mainly by controlling frequency of oscillation.

Key words: bionic propulsion, aquatic bionics, fish swimming, analysis of locomotion, tracking locus