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Meng Wang; Xi-zhe Zang; Ji-zhuang Fan; Jie Zhao
Abstract: This paper presents a mechanical model of jumping robot based on the biological mechanism analysis of frog. By bio-logical observation and kinematic analysis the frog jump is divided into take-off phase, aerial phase and landing phase. We find the similar trajectories of hindlimb joints during jump, the important effect of foot during take-off and the role of forelimb in supporting the body. Based on the observation, the frog jump is simplified and a mechanical model is put forward. The robot leg is represented by a 4-bar spring/linkage mechanism model, which has three Degrees of Freedom (DOF) at hip joint and one DOF (passive) at tarsometatarsal joint on the foot. The shoulder and elbow joints each has one DOF for the balancing function of arm. The ground reaction force of the model is analyzed and compared with that of frog during take-off. The results show that the model has the same advantages of low likelihood of premature lift-off and high efficiency as the frog. Analysis results and the model can be employed to develop and control a robot capable of mimicking the jumping behavior of frog.
Key words: frog jump modality, kinematic analysis, mechanical model, jumping robot
Meng Wang; Xi-zhe Zang; Ji-zhuang Fan; Jie Zhao. Biological Jumping Mechanism Analysis and Modeling for Frog Robot[J].J4, 2008, 5(3): 181-188.
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