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Journal of Bionic Engineering

ISSN 1672-6529

CN 22-1355/TB

Editor-in-Chief : Luquan Ren Published by Science Press and Springer

Table of Content
06 April 2013, Volume 10 Issue 2
Fabrication of Polymeric Visual Decoys for the Male Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis)
Drew P. Pulsifer, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Mahesh S. Narkhede, Michael J. Domingue, Beverly G. Post, Jayant Kumar, Raúl J. Martín-Palma, Thomas C. Baker
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  129-138.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60207-3
Abstract ( 1406 )   PDF  

Through a bioreplication approach, we have fabricated artificial visual decoys for the invasive species Agrilus planipen-nis—commonly known as the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). The mating behavior of this species involves an overflying EAB male pouncing on an EAB female at rest on an ash leaflet before copulating. The male spots the female on the leaflet by visually detecting the iridescent green color of the female’s elytra. As rearing EAB and then deploying dead females as decoys for trapping is both arduous and inconvenient, we decided to fabricate artificial decoys. We used a dead female to make a negative die of nickel and a positive die of epoxy. Decoys were then made by first depositing a quarter-wave-stack Bragg reflector on a polymer sheet and then stamping it with a pair of matched negative and positive dies to take the shape of the upper surface of an EAB female. As nearly 100 artificial decoys were fabricated from just one EAB female, this bioreplication process is industri-ally scalable. Preliminary results from a field trapping test are indicative of success.

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An Investigation of Freezing of Supercooled Water on Anti-Freeze Protein Modified Surfaces
Thibaut V J Charpentier, Anne Neville, Paul Millner, Rob Hewson, Ardian Morina
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  139-147.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60208-5
Abstract ( 1356 )   PDF  

This work investigates how functionalization of aluminium surfaces with natural type III Anti-Freeze Protein (AFP) affects the mechanism of heterogeneous ice nucleation. First the bulk ice nucleation properties of distilled water and aqueous solution of AFP were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry. Then the modified surface was characterized by Secondary Ions Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS), Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectroscopy and contact angle measurement. Freezing ex-periments were then conducted in which water droplets underwent a slow controlled cooling. This study shows that compared to uncoated aluminium, the anti-freeze proteins functionalized surfaces exhibit a higher and narrower range of freezing tempera-ture. It was found that these proteins that keep living organisms from freezing in cold environment act in the opposite way once immobilized on surfaces by promoting ice nucleation. Some suggestions regarding the mechanism of action of the observed phenomena were proposed based on the Classical Nucleation Theory (CNT).

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A Comparative Study of Fibroblast Behaviors under Cyclic Stress Stimulus and Static Culture on 3D Patterned Matrix
Mingyan Zhao, Lihua Li, Bo Li, Di Wu, Changren Zhou, Ye Tian
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  148-155.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60209-7
Abstract ( 1316 )   PDF  

Mechanical stress and patterned surface of the scaffolds has been recognized as a crucial factor in determining cell func-tionality and tissue development, which in turn can direct the cell responses. In this study, fibroblasts M-3T3 in three-dimensional (3D) honeycomb patterning Chitosan/Poly(L-Lactic Acid) (CS/PLLA) composites was stimulated by a 15% sinusoidal (1 Hz) strain applied by a biodynamic test instrument. The effects of mechanical stimulus on the cell proliferation and basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) secretion were studied in comparison to the non-strain groups and blank control. Results show that fibroblasts are able to sense the mechanical stimulation and respond, resulting in a time dependent increase of bFGF secretion and promoting cell proliferation. Moreover, the cells seeded in the scaffolds showed a higher cell proliferation and bFGF secretion. These findings support the hypothesis that suitable mechanical stimulus has positive effect on fibroblasts, and such a 3D honeycomb patterned scaffold may play a positive role in regulating cell behaviors in vitro.

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In Vivo Corrosion Resistance of Ca-P Coating on AZ60 Magnesium Alloy
Xing Xiao, Haiying Yu, Qingsan Zhu, Guangyu Li, Yang Qu, Rui Gu
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  156-161.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60210-3
Abstract ( 1536 )   PDF  

Magnesium-based alloys are frequently reported as potential biodegradable orthopedic implant materials. Controlling the degradation rate and mechanical integrity of magnesium alloys in the physiological environment is the key to their applications. In this study, calcium phosphate (Ca-P) coating was prepared on AZ60 magnesium alloy using phosphating technology. AZ60 samples were immersed in a phosphating solution at 37 ± 2 ?C for 30 min, and the solution pH was adjusted to 2.6 to 2.8 by adding NaOH solution. Then, the samples were dried in an attemperator at 60 ?C. The degradation behavior was studied in vivo using Ca-P coated and uncoated magnesium alloys. Samples of these two different materials were implanted into rabbit femora, and the corrosion resistances were evaluated after 1, 2, and 3 months. The Ca-P coated samples corroded slower than the un-coated samples with prolonged time. Significant differences (p < 0.05) in mass losses and corrosion rates between uncoated samples and Ca-P coated samples were observed by micro-computed tomography. The results indicate that the Ca-P coating could slow down the degradation of magnesium alloy in vivo.

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Light Trapping Effect in Wing Scales of Butterfly Papilio peranthus and Its Simulations
Zhiwu Han, Shichao Niu, Lufeng Zhang, Zhenning Liu, Luquan Ren
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  162-169.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60211-5
Abstract ( 1555 )   PDF  

Broadband light trapping effect and arrays of sub-wavelength textured structures based on the butterfly wing scales are applicable to solar cells and stealth technologies. In this paper, the fine optical structures in wing scales of butterfly Papilio peranthus, exhibiting efficient light trapping effect, were carefully examined. First, the reflectivity was measured by reflectance spectrum. Field Emission Scanning Electronic Microscope (FESEM) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) were used to observe the coupling morphologies and structures of the scales. Then, the optimized 3D model of the coupling structure was created combining Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and TEM data. Afterwards, the mechanism of the light trapping effect of these structures was analyzed by simulation and theoretical calculations. A multilayer nano-structure of chitin and air was found. These structures are effective in increasing optical path, resulting in that most of the incident light can be trapped and adsorbed within the structure at last. Furthermore, the simulated optical results are consistent with the experimental and cal-culated ones. This result reliably confirms that these structures induce an efficient light trapping effect. This work can be used as a reference for in-depth study on the fabrication of highly efficient bionic optical devices, such as solar cells, photo detectors, high-contrast, antiglare, and so forth.

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The Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis of a Leaf
Hong Ye, Zhi Yuan, Shuanqin Zhang
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  170-176.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60212-7
Abstract ( 1766 )   PDF  

Understanding the heat and mass transfer processes of plant leaves is essential for plant bionic engineering. A general thermophysical model was established for a plant leaf with particular emphasis on the transpiration process. The model was verified by the field measured stomatal resistance and temperature of a camphor leaf. A dynamical simulation revealed that diurnal transpiration water consumption is dominated by the solar irradiance and the day-average temperature of the leaf is dominated by the ambient air temperature; transpiration plays an important role in the cooling of the leaf, in average it could dissipate around 32.9% of the total solar energy absorbed by the leaf in summer. To imitate the thermal infared characteristic of the real leaf, the up surface of the bionic leaf must have emissivity and solar absorptivity close to those of a real leaf and its shape and surface roughness must be similar to those of the real leaf. The key point is that the bionic leaf must be able to evaporate water to simulate the transpiration of a plant leaf, appropriate adsorbent can be used to realize this function.

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An Experimental Study on a Microclimatic Layer of a Bionic Façade Inspired by Vertical Greenery
Toma? ?uklje, Sa?o Medved, Ciril Arkar
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  177-185.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60213-9
Abstract ( 1363 )   PDF  

A microclimatic layer of the green façade is proven to have specific temperature and flow conditions on the building en-velope. Lower temperatures and wind velocities, and higher relative humidity in the microclimatic layer are the characteristics of vertical greenery systems, which cause lower energy consumption for the cooling and heating of buildings. Despite innova-tive architectural solutions, there are some drawbacks to applying vertical greenery on building envelopes. In this study, a bionic façade that mimics the positive effects and eliminates the disadvantages of green façades is presented. The bionic façade consists of bionic leaves, which are made of photovoltaic cells and evaporative matrices. A real scale experiment was carried out in the summer to evaluate the potential of the cooling efficiency of the microclimatic layer and a new photovoltaic cooling technique. The results show a good agreement of the thermal performance between the bionic and the green façade and up to 20.8 K lower surface temperatures of photovoltaic cells, which increase the daily electricity yield by 6.6%.

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Anthropomorphic Design of the Human-Like Walking Robot
Ming-Hsun Chiang, Fan-Ren Chang
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  186-193.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60214-0
Abstract ( 1417 )   PDF  

In this paper, we present a new concept of the mechanical design of a humanoid robot. The goal is to build a humanoid robot utilizing a new structure which is more suitable for human-like walking with the characteristics of the knee stretch, heel-contact, and toe-off. Inspired by human skeleton, we made an anthropomorphic pelvis for the humanoid robot. In comparison with con-ventional humanoid robots, with such the anthropomorphic pelvis, our robot is capable of adjusting the center of gravity of the upper body by the motion of pelvic tilt, thus reducing the required torque at the ankle joint and the velocity variations in hu-man-like walking. With more precise analysis of the foot mechanism, the fixed-length inverted pendulum can be used to describe the dynamics of biped walking, thus preventing redundant works and power consumption in length variable inverted pendulum system. As the result of the new structure we propose, a humanoid robot is able to walk with human-like gait.

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The Mechanics and Trajectory Control in Locust Jumping
Longbao Han, Zhouyi Wang, Aihong Ji, Zhendong Dai
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  194-200.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60215-2
Abstract ( 1380 )   PDF  

Locusts (Locusta migratoria manilensis) are characterised by their flying ability and abiding jump ability. Research on the jumping mechanics and behavior of locusts plays an important role in elucidating the mechanism of hexapod locomotion. The jump gestures of locusts were observed using high-speed video camera at 250 fps. The reaction forces of the hindlegs were measured using two three-dimensional sensors, in case the two hindlegs attached on separated sensor plates. The jump gestures and reaction forces were used to illustrate the locust jumping mechanism. Results show that the trajectory control is achieved by rapid rolling and yawing movements of the locust body, caused by the forelegs, midlegs and hindlegs in different jumping phases. The final jump trajectory was not determined until hind tarsi left platform. The horizontal co-impulse between two hindlegs might play a key role in jump stability and accuracy. Besides, the angle between two hindlegs affects the control of jump trajectory but has a little effect on the elevation angle of a jump, which is controlled mechanically by the initial position of the hindlegs. This research lays the groundwork for the probable design and development of biomimetic robotics.

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Dynamic Modeling of a Non-Uniform Flexible Tail for a Robotic Fish
Phi Luan Nguyen, Van Phu Do, Byung Ryong Lee
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  201-209.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60216-4
Abstract ( 1584 )   PDF  

In this paper, a non-uniform flexible tail of a fish robot was presented and the dynamic model was developed. In this model, the non-uniform flexible tail was modeled by a rotary slender beam. The hydrodynamics forces, including the reactive force and resistive force, were analyzed in order to derive the governing equation. This equation is a fourth-order in space and sec-ond-order in time Partial Differential Equation (PDE) of the lateral movement function. The coefficients of this PDE were not constants because of the non-uniform beams, so they were approximated by exponential functions in order to obtain an ana-lytical solution. This solution describes the lateral movement of the flexible tail as a function of material, geometrical and actuator properties. Experiments were then carried out and compared to simulations. It was proved that the proposed model is suitable for predicting the real behavior of fish robots.

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A Three-Dimensional Kinematics Analysis of a Koi Carp Pectoral Fin by Digital Image Processing
Lei Wang, Min Xu, Bo Liu, Kin Huat Low, Jie Yang, Shiwu Zhang
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  210-221.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60217-6
Abstract ( 1266 )   PDF  

Pectoral fins fascinate researchers for their important role in fish maneuvers. By possessing a complicated flexible structure with several fin rays made by a thin film, the fin exhibits a three-dimensional (3D) motion. The complex 3D fin kinematics makes it challenging to study the performance of pectoral fin. Nevertheless, a detailed study on the 3D motion pattern of pectoral fins is necessary to the design and control of a bio-inspired fin rays. Therefore, a highspeed photography system is introduced in this paper to study the 3D motion of a Koi Carp by analyzing the two views of its pectoral fin simultaneously. The key motions of the pectoral fins are first captured in both hovering and retreating. Next, the 3D configuration of the pectoral fins is recon-structed by digital image processing, in which the movement of fin rays during fish retreating and hovering is obtained. Fur-thermore, the method of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is adopted to extract the basic motion patterns of pectoral fins from extensive image sequences, i.e. expansion, bending, cupping, and undulation. It is believed that the movement of the fin rays and the basic patterns of the pectoral fins obtained in the present work can provide a good foundation for the development and control of bionic flexible pectoral fins for underwater propeller.

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Sleeve Muscle Actuator: Concept and Prototype Demonstration
Tad Driver, Xiangrong Shen
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  222-230.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60218-8
Abstract ( 1159 )   PDF  

This paper presents the concept and prototype demonstration results of a new sleeve muscle actuator, which provides a significantly improved performance through a fundamental structural change to the traditional pneumatic muscle. Specifically, the sleeve muscle incorporates a cylindrical insert to the center of the pneumatic muscle, and thus eliminates the central portion of the internal volume. Through the analysis of the actuation mechanism, it is shown that the sleeve muscle is able to provide a consistent increase of force capacity over the entire range of motion. Furthermore, the sleeve muscle provides a significant energy saving effect, as a result of the reduced internal volume as well as the enhance force capacity. To demonstrate this new concept, a sleeve muscle prototype was designed and fabricated. Experiments conducted on the prototype verified the im-provement in the force capacity and demonstrated a significant energy saving effect (20%–37%). Finally, as the future work on this new concept, the paper presents a new robotic elbow design actuated with the proposed sleeve muscle. This unique design is expected to provide a highly compact and powerful actuation approach for robotic systems.

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An Ant Colony Optimization Based Dimension Reduction Method for High-Dimensional Datasets
Ying Li, Gang Wang, Huiling Chen, Lian Shi, Lei Qin
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  231-241.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60219-X
Abstract ( 1397 )   PDF  

In this paper, a bionic optimization algorithm based dimension reduction method named Ant Colony Optimization -Selection (ACO-S) is proposed for high-dimensional datasets. Because microarray datasets comprise tens of thousands of features (genes), they are usually used to test the dimension reduction techniques. ACO-S consists of two stages in which two well-known ACO algorithms, namely ant system and ant colony system, are utilized to seek for genes, respectively. In the first stage, a modified ant system is used to filter the nonsignificant genes from high-dimensional space, and a number of promising genes are reserved in the next step. In the second stage, an improved ant colony system is applied to gene selection. In order to enhance the search ability of ACOs, we propose a method for calculating priori available heuristic information and design a fuzzy logic controller to dynamically adjust the number of ants in ant colony system. Furthermore, we devise another fuzzy logic controller to tune the parameter (q0) in ant colony system. We evaluate the performance of ACO-S on five microarray datasets, which have dimensions varying from 7129 to 12000. We also compare the performance of ACO-S with the results obtained from four existing well-known bionic optimization algorithms. The comparison results show that ACO-S has a notable ability to generate a gene subset with the smallest size and salient features while yielding high classification accuracy. The comparative results generated by ACO-S adopting different classifiers are also given. The proposed method is shown to be a promising and effective tool for mining high-dimension data and mobile robot navigation.

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Bio-Imitation of Mexican Migration Routes to the USA with Slime Mould on 3D Terrains
Andrew Adamatzky, Genaro J Martinez
J4. 2013, 10 (2):  242-250.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60220-6
Abstract ( 1612 )   PDF  

Plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum (P. polycephalum) is a large single cell visible by an unaided eye. It shows so-phisticated behavioural traits in foraging for nutrients and developing an optimal transport network of protoplasmic tubes spanning sources of nutrients. When placed in an environment with distributed sources of nutrients the cell ‘computes’ an optimal graph spanning the nutrients by growing a network of protoplasmic tubes. P. polycephalum imitates development of man-made transport networks of a country when configuration of nutrients represents major urban areas. We employed this feature of the slime mould to imitate mexican migration to USA. The Mexican migration to USA is the World’s largest migration system. We bio-physically imitated the migration using slime mould P. polycephalum. In laboratory experiments with 3D Nylon terrains of USA we imitated development of migratory routes from Mexico-USA border to ten urban areas with high concen-tration of Mexican migrants. From results of laboratory experiments we extracted topologies of migratory routes, and high-lighted a role of elevations in shaping the human movement networks.

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