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Journal of Bionic Engineering

ISSN 1672-6529

CN 22-1355/TB

Editor-in-Chief : Luquan Ren Published by Science Press and Springer

Table of Content
10 July 2013, Volume 10 Issue 3
Locomotion Generation and Motion Library Design for an Anguilliform Robotic Fish
Xuelei Niu, Jianxin Xu, Qinyuan Ren, Qingguo Wang
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  251-264.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60221-8
Abstract ( 959 )   PDF  

In this paper, modeling, locomotion generation, motion library design and path planning for a real prototype of an An-guilliform robotic fish are presented. The robotic fish consists of four links and three joints, and the driving forces are the torques applied to the joints. Considering kinematic constraints and hydrodynamic forces, Lagrangian formulation is used to obtain the dynamic model of the fish. Using this model, three major locomotion patterns of Anguilliform fish, including forward loco-motion, backward locomotion and turning locomotion are investigated. It is found that the fish exhibits different locomotion patterns by giving different reference joint angles, such as adding reversed phase difference, or adding deflections to the original reference angles. The results are validated by both simulations and experiments. Furthermore, the relations among the speed of the fish, angular frequency, undulation amplitude, phase difference, as well as the relationship between the turning radius and deflection angle are investigated. These relations provide an elaborated motion library that can be used for motion planning of the robotic fish.

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Braking Performance of a Biomimetic Squid-Like Underwater Robot
Md. Mahbubar Rahman, Sinpei Sugimori, Hiroshi Miki, Risa Yamamoto, Yugo Sanada,
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  265-273.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60222-X
Abstract ( 1308 )   PDF  

In this study, the braking performance of the undulating fin propulsion system of a biomimetic squid-like underwater robot was investigated through free run experiment and simulation of the quasi-steady mathematical model. The quasi-steady equa-tions of motion were solved using the measured and calculated hydrodynamic forces and compared with free-run test results. Various braking strategies were tested and discussed in terms of stopping ability and the forces acting on the stopping stage. The stopping performance of the undulating fin propulsion system turned out to be excellent considering the short stopping time and short stopping distance. This is because of the large negative thrust produced by progressive wave in opposite direction. It was confirmed that the undulating fin propulsion system can effectively perform braking even in complex underwater explorations.

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Biologically-Inspired Water Propulsion System
Andrzej Sioma
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  274-281.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60223-1
Abstract ( 677 )   PDF  

Most propulsion systems of vehicles travelling in the aquatic environment are equipped with propellers. Observations of nature, however, show that the absolute majority of organisms travel through water using wave motion, paddling or using water jet power. Inspired by these observations of nature, an innovative propulsion system working in aquatic environment was developed. This paper presents the design of the water propulsion system. Particular attention was paid to the use of paddling techniques and water jet power. A group of organisms that use those mechanisms to travel through water was selected and analysed. The results of research were used in the design of a propulsion system modelled simultaneously on two methods of movement in the aquatic environment. A method for modelling a propulsion system using a combination of the two solutions and the result were described. A conceptual design and a prototype constructed based on the solution were presented. With respect to the solution developed, studies and analyses of selected parameters of the prototype were described.

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Design and Experiment of a Bionic Gannet for Plunge-Diving
Jianhong Liang, Xingbang Yang, Tianmiao Wang, Guocai Yao, Wendi Zhao
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  282-291.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60224-3
Abstract ( 725 )   PDF  

A bionic gannet was developed based on the analysis of the body configuration and skeleton structure and the motion pattern of wings of a gannet in plunge-diving. In the current prototype, adjustable sweptback wings were implemented so as to achieve different body shapes for entering water. The impact acceleration in the longitudinal body axis direction and the axial overload on the body were investigated through the falling-down experiments under different conditions including dropping height, water-entry inclination angle, and wing sweptback angle. It is found that when the above three key parameters are 10 m for dropping height, 0? for wing sweptback angle, and 90? for water-entry inclination angle, the maximum peak impact accel-eration and overload are −167.20 m•s−2 and 18.06 respectively. Furthermore, the variation of peak impact acceleration with the three key parameters were also analyzed and discussed.

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Turning in a Bipedal Robot
Jau-Ching Lu, Jing-Yi Chen, Pei-Chun Lin
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  292-304.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60225-5
Abstract ( 654 )   PDF  

We report the development of turning behavior on a child-size bipedal robot that addresses two common scenarios: turning in place and simultaneous walking and turning. About turning in place, three strategies are investigated and compared, including body-first, leg-first, and body/leg-simultaneous. These three strategies are used for three actions, respectively: when walking follows turning immediately, when space behind the robot is very tight, and when a large turning angle is desired. Concerning simultaneous walking and turning, the linear inverted pendulum is used as the motion model in the single-leg support phase, and the polynomial-based trajectory is used as the motion model in the double-leg support phase and for smooth motion connectivity to motions in a priori and a posteriori single-leg support phases. Compared to the trajectory generation of ordinary walking, that of simultaneous walking and turning introduces only two extra parameters: one for determining new heading direction and the other for smoothing the Center of Mass (COM) trajectory. The trajectory design methodology is validated in both simulation and experimental environments, and successful robot behavior confirms the effectiveness of the strategy.

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An Experimental Study on the Gait Patterns and Kinematics of Chinese Mitten Crabs
Jianqiao Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Meng Zou, Rui Zhang, Benard Chirende, Ruiyang
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  305-315.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60226-7
Abstract ( 825 )   PDF  

Despite the many studies on eight-legged animals and the importance of their mechanics of terrestrial locomotion, the mechanical energy of crabs in voluntary locomotion on uneven, unpredictable terrain surfaces has received little attention thus far. In this paper, motion video images of Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis Milne-Edwards) locomotion on five types of terrains were recorded using a high-speed three-dimensional (3D) recording video system. The typical variables of locomotion such as gait patterns, duty factor, mechanical energy of the mass center, mass-specific rate of the total mechanical power of the mass center, and percentage recovery, were analyzed. Results show that the Chinese mitten crab uses random gaits instead of the alternating tetrapod gait with the increasing terrain roughness. The duty factors of the rows of the leading legs are greater for all terrains than those of the rows of the trailing legs. On smooth terrain, the duty factors of the rows of the trailing legs are greater than that on rough terrains. Kinematic measurements and calculations reveal that similar to mammals, birds, and arthropods, the Chinese mitten crab uses two fundamental gaits to save mechanical energy: the inverted pendulum gait and the bouncing gait.  The bouncing gait is the main pattern of mechanical energy conservation. The low probability of injury and energy expenditure due to adaptations to various terrains induce the Chinese mitten crab to modify the mass-specific rate of the total mechanical power of the mass center. The statistical results of percentage recovery also reveal that the Chinese mitten crab has lower energy recovery efficiency over rough terrains compared with smooth terrains.

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Two- and Three-Dimensional Simulations of Beetle Hind Wing Flapping during Free Forward Flight
Tuyen Quang Le, Tien Van Truong, Hieu Trung Tran, Soo Hyung Park, Jin Hwan K
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  316-328.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60227-9
Abstract ( 750 )   PDF  

Aerodynamic characteristic of the beetle, Trypoxylus dichotomus, which has a pair of elytra (forewings) and hind wings, is numerically investigated. Based on the experimental results of wing kinematics, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamic simulations were carried out to reveal aerodynamic performance of the hind wing. The roles of the spiral Leading Edge Vortex (LEV) and the spanwise flow were clarified by comparing 2D and 3D simulations. Mainly due to pitching down of chord line during downstroke in highly inclined stroke plane, relatively high averaged thrust was produced in the free forward flight of the beetle. The effects of the local corrugation and the camber variation were also investigated for the beetle’s hind wings. Our results show that the camber variation plays a significant role in improving both lift and thrust in the flapping. On the other hand, the local corrugation pattern has no significant effect on the aerodynamic force due to large angle of attack during flapping.

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Fuzzy Self-Tuning PID Control of Hydrogen-Driven Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuator
Thanana Nuchkrua, Thananchai Leephakpreeda
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  329-340.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60228-0
Abstract ( 542 )   PDF  

In this paper, a fuzzy self-tuning Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control of hydrogen-driven Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM) actuator is presented. With a conventional PID control, non-linear thermodynamics of the hydrogen-driven PAM actuator still highly affects the mechanical actuations itself, causing deviation of desired tasks. The fuzzy self-tuning PID con-troller is systematically developed so as to achieve dynamic performance targets of the hydrogen-driven PAM actuator. The fuzzy rules based on desired characteristics of closed-loop control are designed to finely tune the PID gains of the controller under different operating conditions. The empirical models and properties of the hydrogen-driven PAM actuator are used as a genuine representation of mechanical actuations. A mass-spring-damper system is applied to the hydrogen-driven PAM actuator as a typical mechanical load during actuations. The results of the implementation show that the viability of the proposed method in actuating the hydrogen-driven PAM under mechanical loads is close to desired performance.

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Biomimetic Drag Reduction Study on Herringbone Riblets of Bird Feather
Huawei Chen, Fugang Rao, Xiaopeng Shang, Deyuan Zhang, Ichiro Hagiwara
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  341-349.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60229-2
Abstract ( 1195 )   PDF  

Birds have gradually formed various excellent structures such as streamlined shape and hollow shaft of feather to improve their flying performance by millions of years of natural selection. As typical property of bird feather, herringbone riblets align along the shaft of each feather, which is caused by perfect link of barbs, especially for the primary and secondary feathers of wings. Such herringbone riblets of feather are assumed to have great impact on drag reduction. In this paper, microstructures of secondary feathers of adult pigeons are investigated by SEM, and their structural parameters are statistically obtained. Based on quantitative analysis of feather structure, novel biomimetic herringbone riblets with narrow smooth edge are proposed to reduce surface drag. In comparison with traditional microgroove riblets and other drag reduction structures, the drag reduction rate of the proposed biomimetic herringbone riblets is experimentally clarified up to 16%, much higher than others. Moreover, the drag reduction mechanism of herringbone riblets are also confirmed and exploited by CFD.

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A Femur-Implant Model for the Prediction of Bone Remodeling Behavior Induced by Cementless Stem
He Gong, Lingyan Kong, Rui Zhang, Juan Fang, Meisheng Zhao
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  350-358.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60230-9
Abstract ( 754 )   PDF  

Bone remodeling simulation is an effective tool for the prediction of long-term effect of implant on the bone tissue, as well as the selection of an appropriate implant in terms of architecture and material. In this paper, a finite element model of proximal femur was developed to simulate the structures of internal trabecular and cortical bones by incorporating quantitative bone functional adaptation theory with finite element analysis. Cementless stems made of titanium, two types of Functionally Graded Material (FGM) and flexible ‘iso-elastic’ material as comparison were implanted in the structure of proximal femur respectively to simulate the bone remodeling behaviors of host bone. The distributions of bone density, von Mises stress, and interface shear stress were obtained. All the prosthetic stems had effects on the bone remodeling behaviors of proximal femur, but the degrees of stress shielding were different. The amount of bone loss caused by titanium implant was in agreement with the clinical obser-vation. The FGM stems caused less bone loss than that of the titanium stem, in which FGM I stem (titanium richer at the top to more HAP/Col towards the bottom) could relieve stress shielding effectively, and the interface shear stresses were more evenly distributed in the model with FGM I stem in comparison with those in the models with FGM II (titanium and bioglass) and titanium stems. The numerical simulations in the present study provided theoretical basis for FGM as an appropriate material of femoral implant from a biomechanical point of view. The next steps are to fabricate FGM stem and to conduct animal experi-ments to investigate the effects of FGM stem on the remodeling behaviors using animal model.

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Significantly Enhanced Actuation Performance of IPMC by Surfactant-Assisted Processable MWCNT/Nafion Composite
Qingsong He, Min Yu, Dingshan Yu, Yan Ding, Zhendong Dai
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  359-367.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60231-0
Abstract ( 910 )   PDF  

The performance of Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) actuator was significantly enhanced by incorporating sur-factant-assisted processable Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) into a Nafion solution. Cationic surfactant Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) was employed to disperse MWCNTs in the Nafion matrix, forming a homogeneous and stable dispersion of nanotubes. The processing did not involve any strong acid treatment and thus effectively preserved the excellent electronic properties associated with MWCNT. The as-obtained MWCNT/Nafion-IPMC actuator was tested in terms of conductivity, bulk and surface morphology, blocking force and electric current. It was shown that the blocking force and the current of the new IPMC are 2.4 times and 1.67 times higher compared with a pure Nafion-based IPMC. Moreover, the MWCNT/IPMC performance is much better than previously reported Nafion-IPMC doped by acid-treated MWCNT. Such significantly improved performance should be attributed to the improvement of electrical property associated with the addition of MWCNTs without acid treatment.

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Mesoscopic Models of Plants Composed of Metallic Nanowires
Galina K. Strukova, Gennady V. Strukov, Evgeniya Yu. Postnova, Alexander Yu. Rus
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  368-376.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60232-2
Abstract ( 828 )   PDF  

Various metallic structures of complex shape resembling living plant organisms (biomimetics) are produced as a result of self-assembly of nanowires growing on porous membranes in the course of pulse current electrodeposition. These structures occur if the electroplating is continued after the nanowires appear on the membrane surface. By varying the membrane ge-ometry, pulse current electroplating parameters, and alternating electrodeposition from two baths composed of a variety of electrolytes, diverse models were fabricated, including a hollow container with a wall thickness of 10 nm – 20 nm. This biomimetic method suggests an analogy between the shape-forming processes of plants and their metallic models. Nanostruc-tured mesostructures of various metals (Ag, Pd, Ni), alloys (PdNi, PbIn) and hybrid structures (PdNi/Pb, PdNi/PbIn) were obtained. They can be of interest for fundamental research (self-assembly, morphogenesis) as well as for applications in nanotechnology (catalysis, nanoplasmonics, medicine, superhydrophobic surfaces).

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Fabrication of a Bionic Needle with both Super-Hydrophobic and Antibacterial Properties
Xin Qi, Wei Song, Zhu Mao, Wenran Gao, Qian Cong
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  377-382.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60233-4
Abstract ( 775 )   PDF  

Many biological surfaces possess unusual micro-nano hierarchical structures that could influence their wettability, which provide new methods for the construction of novel materials. In this work, silver nanoparticles were successfully coated on the surface of stainless steel needle by a simple electroless replacement reaction process between the AgNO3 solution and the activated stainless steel needle. After the replacement reaction, porous micro/nanostructures were formed on the surface of the stainless steel needle. By modifying long chains of thiol molecules, the stainless steel needle exhibited good super-hydrophobic property with a contact angle greater than 150?. Moreover, the silver coated stainless steel needle (bionic needle) showed strong antibacterial activity against the gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli). By calculating the area of the inhibition zone against E. coli formed on agar medium, the antibacterial activity of the bionic needle with the contact angle of 152? is much better than that with the contact angle of 138?. The as-prepared bionic needle with both super-hydrophobic and antibacterial properties has the potential to be applied in modern medical devices.

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An Evaluation Model of Supply Chain Performances Using 5DBSC and LMBP Neural Network Algorithm
Xuemei Fan, Shujun Zhang, Longzhao Wang, Yinsheng Yang, Kevin Hapeshi
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  383-395.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(13)60234-6
Abstract ( 740 )   PDF  

A high efficient Supply Chain (SC) would bring great benefits to an enterprise such as integrated resources, reduced lo-gistics costs, improved logistics efficiency and high quality of overall level of services. So it is important to research various methods, performance indicator systems and technology for evaluating, monitoring, predicting and optimizing the performance of a SC. In this paper, the existing performance indicator systems and methods are discussed and evaluated. Various na-ture-inspired algorithms are reviewed and their applications for SC Performance Evaluation (PE) are discussed. Then, a model is proposed and developed using 5 Dimensional Balanced Scorecard (5DBSC) and LMBP (Levenberg–Marquardt Back Propa-gation) neural network for SC PE. A program is written using Matlab tool box to implement the model based on the practical values of the 14 indicators of 5DBSC of a given previous period. This model can be used to evaluate, predict and optimize the performance of a SC. The analysis results of a case study of a company show that the proposed model is valid, reliable and effective. The convergence speed is faster than that in the previous work.

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The Biological Property of Synthetic Evolved Digital Circuits with ESD Immunity &ndash|Redundancy or Degeneracy?
Menghua Man, Shanghe Liu, Xiaolong Chang, Mai Lu
J4. 2013, 10 (3):  396-403. 
Abstract ( 635 )   PDF  

In the ongoing evolutionary process, biological systems have displayed a fundamental and remarkable property of ro-bustness, i.e., the property allows the system to maintain its functions despite external and internal perturbations. Redundancy and degeneracy are thought to be the underlying structural mechanisms of biological robustness. Inspired by this, we explored the proximate cause of the immunity of the synthetic evolved digital circuits to ESD interference and discussed the biological characteristics behind the evolutionary circuits. First, we proposed an evolutionary method for intrinsic immune circuit design. The circuits’ immunity was evaluated using the functional fault models based on probability distributions. Then, several benchmark circuits, including ADDER, MAJORITY, and C17, were evolved for high intrinsic immunity. Finally, using the quantitative definitions based on information theory, we measured the topological characteristics of redundancy and degeneracy in the evolved circuits and compared their contributions to the immunity. The results show that redundant elements are neces-sary for the ESD immune circuit design, whereas degeneracy is the key to making use of the redundancy robustly and efficiently.

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