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2012年, 第9卷, 第4期 刊出日期:2012-12-30
Stable Vertical Takeoff of an Insect-Mimicking Flapping-Wing System Without Guide Implementing Inherent Pitching Stability
Hoang Vu Phan,Quoc Viet Nguyen1,Quang Tri Truong,Tien Van Truong,Hoon Cheol Park
J4. 2012 (4):  391-401.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60134-0
摘要 ( 1805 )   PDF  

We briefly summarized how to design and fabricate an insect-mimicking flapping-wing system and demonstrate how to implement inherent pitching stability for stable vertical takeoff. The effect of relative locations of the Center of Gravity (CG) and the mean Aerodynamic Center (AC) on vertical flight was theoretically examined through static force balance consideration. We conducted a series of vertical takeoff tests in which the location of the mean AC was determined using an unsteady Blade Element Theory (BET) previously developed by the authors. Sequential images were captured during the takeoff tests using a high-speed camera. The results demonstrated that inherent pitching stability for vertical takeoff can be achieved by controlling the relative position between the CG and the mean AC of the flapping system.

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A Radio-Telemetry System for Navigation and Recording Neuronal Activity in Free-Roaming Rats
Dian Zhang,Yanling Dong,Megan Li,Houjun Wang
J4. 2012 (4):  402-410.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60137-6
摘要 ( 1655 )   PDF  

A radio-telemetry recording system is presented which is applied to stimulate specific brain areas and record neuronal activity in a free-roaming rat. The system consists of two major parts: stationary section and mobile section. The stationary section contains a laptop, a Micro Control Unit (MCU), an FM transmitter and a receiver. The mobile section is composed of the headstage and the backpack (which includes the mainboard, FM transmitter, and receiver), which can generate biphasic microcurrent pulses and simultaneously acquire neuronal activity. Prior to performing experiments, electrodes are implanted in the Ventral Posterolateral (VPL) thalamic nucleus, primary motor area (M1) and Medial Forebrain Bundle (MFB) of the rat. The stationary section modulates commands from the laptop for stimulation and demodulates signals for neuronal activity recording. The backpack is strapped on the back of the rat and executes commands from the stationary section, acquires neuronal activity, and transmits the neuronal activity singles of the waking rat to the stationary section. All components in the proposed system are commercially available and are fabricated from Surface Mount Devices (SMD) in order to reduce the size (25 mm × 15 mm × 2 mm) and weight (10 g with battery). During actual experiments, the backpack, which is powered by a rechargeable Lithium battery (4 g), can generate biphasic microcurrent pulse stimuli and can also record neuronal activity via the FM link with a maximum transmission rate of 1 kbps for more than one hour within a 200 m range in an open field or in a neighboring chamber. The test results show that the system is able to remotely navigate and control the rat without any prior training, and acquire neuronal activity with desirable features such as small size, low power consumption and high precision when compared with a commercial 4-channel bio-signal acquisition and processing system.

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Approximate Perturbation Stance Map of the SLIP Runner and Application to Locomotion Control
Haitao Yu, Mantian Li, Pengfei Wang, Hegao Cai
J4. 2012 (4):  411-422.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60138-8
摘要 ( 1406 )   PDF  

This paper presents a novel method of perturbation to obtain the analytic approximate solution to the Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum (SLIP) dynamics in stance phase with considering the effect of gravity. This perturbation solution achieves higher accuracy in predicting the apex state variables than the typical existing analytic approximations. Particularly, our solution is validated for non-symmetric trajectory of hopping in a large angle range. Furthermore, the stance controller of the SLIP runner is developed to regulate the apex state based on the approximate apex return map. To compensate the energy variation between the current and desired apex states, a stiffness adjustment of the leg spring in stance phase is presented. The deadbeat controller of the angle of attack is designed to track the regulated apex height and velocity. The simulation demonstrates that the SLIP runner applying the proposed stance controller reveals higher tracking accuracy and more rapidly converges to the regulated apex state.

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Dynamic Stability of Passive Bipedal Walking on Rough Terrain:A Preliminary Simulation Study
Parsa Nassiri Afshar, Lei Ren
J4. 2012 (4):  423-433.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60139-X
摘要 ( 1203 )   PDF  

A simplified 2D passive dynamic model was simulated to walk down on a rough slope surface defined by deterministic profiles to investigate how the walking stability changes with increasing surface roughness. Our results show that the passive walker can walk on rough surfaces subject to surface roughness up to approximately 0.1% of its leg length. This indicates that bipedal walkers based on passive dynamics may possess some intrinsic stability to adapt to rough terrains although the maximum roughness they can tolerate is small. Orbital stability method was used to quantify the walking stability before the walker started to fall over. It was found that the average maximum Floquet multiplier increases with surface roughness in a non-linear form. Although the passive walker remained orbitally stable for all the simulation cases, the results suggest that the possibility of the bipedal model moving away from its limit cycle increases with the surface roughness if subjected to additional perturbations. The number of consecutive steps before falling was used to measure the walking stability after the passive walker started to fall over. The results show that the number of steps before falling decreases exponentially with the increase in surface roughness. When the roughness magnitude approached to 0.73% of the walker’s leg length, it fell down to the ground as soon as it entered into the uneven terrain. It was also found that shifting the phase angle of the surface profile has apparent affect on the system stability. This is probably because point contact was used to simulate the heel strikes and the resulted variations in system states at heel strikes may have pronounced impact on the passive gaits, which have narrow basins of attraction. These results would provide insight into how the dynamic stability of passive bipedal walkers evolves with increasing surface roughness.

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Human-like Manipulation Planning for Articulated Manipulator
Yahui Gan, Xianzhong Dai
J4. 2012 (4):  434-445.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60136-4
摘要 ( 1299 )   PDF  

A new method based on human-likeness assessment and optimization concept to solve the problem of human-like manipulation planning for articulated robot is proposed in this paper. This method intrinsically formulates the problem as a constrained optimization problem in robot configuration space. The robot configuration space is divided into different subregions by human likeness assessment. A widely used strategy, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) in applied ergonomics, is adopted here to evaluate the human likeness of robot configuration. A task compatibility measurement of the robot velocity transmission ratio along a specified direction is used as the target function for the optimization problem. Simple illustrative examples of this method applied to a two Degree of Freedom (DOF) planar robot that resembles the upper limb of a human are presented. Further applications to a humanoid industrial robot SDA10D are also presented. The reasonable planning results for these applications assert the effectiveness of our method.

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The Micromechanics of Biological and Biomimetic Staggered Composites
Sacheen Bekah, Reza Rabiei, Francois Barthelat
J4. 2012 (4):  446-456.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60145-5
摘要 ( 1752 )   PDF  

Natural materials such as bone, tooth and nacre achieve attractive properties through the “staggered structure”, which consists of stiff, parallel inclusions of large aspect ratio bonded together by a more ductile and tougher matrix. This seemingly simple structure displays sophisticated micromechanics which lead to unique combinations of stiffness, strength and toughness. In this article we modeled the staggered structure using finite elements and small Representative Volume Elements (RVEs) in order to explore microstructure-property relationships. Larger aspect ratio of inclusions results in greater stiffness and strength, and also significant amounts of energy dissipation provided the inclusions do not fracture in a brittle fashion. Interestingly the ends of the inclusions (the junctions) behave as crack-like features, generating theoretically infinite stresses in the adjacent inclusions. A fracture mechanics criterion was therefore used to predict the failure of the inclusions, which led to new insights into how the interfaces act as a “soft wrap” for the inclusions, completely shielding them from excessive stresses. The effect of statistics on the mechanics of the staggered structure was also assessed using larger scale RVEs. Variations in the microstructure did not change the modulus of the material, but slightly decreased the strength and significantly decreased the failure strain. This is explained by strain localization, which can in turn be delayed by incorporating waviness to the inclusions. In addition, we show that the columnar and random arrangements, displaying different deformation mechanisms, lead to similar overall properties. The guidelines presented in this study can be used to optimize the design of staggered synthetic composites to achieve  mechanical performances comparable to natural materials.

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Bionic Research on Fish Scales for Drag Reduction
Zhaoliang Dou, Jiadao Wang, Darong Chen
J4. 2012 (4):  457-464.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60140-6
摘要 ( 1877 )   PDF  

To reduce friction drag with bionic method in a more feasible way, the surface microstructure of fish scales was analyzed attempting to reveal the biologic features responding to skin friction drag reduction. Then comparable bionic surface mimicking fish scales was fabricated through coating technology for drag reduction. The paint mixture was coated on a substrate through a self-developed spray-painting apparatus. The bionic surface with micron-scale caves formed spontaneously due to the interfacial convection and deformation driven by interfacial tension gradient in the presence of solvent evaporation. Comparative experiments between bionic surface and smooth surface were performed in a water tunnel to evaluate the effect of bionic surface on drag reduction, and visible drag reduction efficiency was obtained. Numerical simulation results show that gas phase develops in solid-liquid interface of bionic surface with the effect of surface topography and partially replaces the solid-liquid shear force with gas-liquid shear force, hence reducing the skin friction drag effectively. Therefore, with remarkable drag reduction performance and simple fabrication technology, the proposed drag reduction technique shows the promise for practical applications.

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Particle Erosion Resistance of Bionic Samples Inspired from Skin Structure of Desert Lizard, Laudakin stoliczkana
He Huang, Yan Zhang, Luquan Ren
J4. 2012 (4):  465-469.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60141-8
摘要 ( 1394 )   PDF  

In order to improve the particle erosion resistance of engineering surfaces, this paper proposed a bionic sample which is inspired from the skin structure of desert lizard, Laudakin stoliczkana. The bionic sample consists of a hard shell (aluminum) and a soft core (silicone rubber) which form a two-layer composite structure. The sand blast tests indicated that the bionic sample has better particle erosion resistance. In steady erosion period, the weight loss per unit time of the bionic sample is about 10% smaller than the contrast sample. The anti-erosion mechanism of the bionic sample was studied by single particle impact test. The results show that, after the impact, the kinetic energy of the particle is reduced by 56.5% on the bionic sample which is higher than that on the contrast sample (31.2%). That means the bionic sample can partly convert the kinetic energy of the particle into the deformation energy of the silicone rubber layer, thus the erosion is reduced.

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The Effect of 58S Bioactive Glass Coating on Polyethylene Terephthalates in Graft-Bone Healing
Yang Wu, Shiyi Chen, Jia Jiang, Hong Li, Kai Gao, Pengyun Zhang
J4. 2012 (4):  470-477.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60133-9
摘要 ( 1360 )   PDF  

In this study the effects of surface modification of Polyethylene Terephthalates (PET) fibers with 58S bioactive glasses on osteoblasts proliferation and osseointegration in the tibia-articular tendon-bone healing model were investigated. PET sheets were coated with 58S bioactive glass and uncoated PET sheets were used as a control. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectrometer were adopted to analyze the surface characteristics of the fibers. MT3T3-E1 cells were cultured with the PET fibers and the MTT and ALP were tested at 1, 3, 5 days. Twenty-four skeletally mature male New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into two groups, the 58S-PET group and the PET group. Both groups underwent a surgical procedure to establish a tibia-articular tendon-bone healing model. Mechanical examinations and histological assays were taken to verify the coating effects in vivo. Results of both MTT and ALP tests show significant differences (P < 0.01) between the 58S-PET group and the PET group. At 6 weeks and 12 weeks, the max load-to-failure was significantly higher in the 58S-PET group. In the histological assays, distinct new bone formation was observed only in the 58S-PET group and stronger osseointegration was seen in the 58S-PET group than that in the control group. The 58S-coating on PET could enhance the proliferation and activity of the osteoblasts and therefore promote the new bone formation and tendon-bone healing.

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Tuned Morphological Electrospun Hydroxyapatite Nanofibers via pH
Xiaofeng Song, Fengguang Ling, Haotian Li, Zhantuan Gao, Xuesi Chen
J4. 2012 (4):  478-483.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60143-1
摘要 ( 1379 )   PDF  

The concept of biocompatible, osteoconductive and noninflammatory material mimicking the structure of natural bone has generated a considerable interest in recent decades. Hydroxyapatite (HA) is an important bionic material that is used for bone grafting in osseous defects and drug carriers. HA with various morphologies and surface properties have been widely investigated. In this paper, HA nanofibers are produced through a combination of electrospinning and sol-gel technique. The morphologies, composition and structure are investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Thermogravimetic Analysis (TGA), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) patterns, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The results show that HA nanofibers are even and well-crystallized, and pH is crucial for producing HA nanofibers. With the change of pH from 4 to 9, nanofibers grow densely along (210) plane and become compact while surface area, pore volume and pore size decrease correspondingly. The synthesized HA nanofibers are nontoxic and safe. Zn can be also incorporated into HA nanofibers, which will endow them with more perfect function.

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Development of Biomimetic Squid-Inspired Suckers
Jinping Hou, Edward Wright, Richard H. C. Bonser, George Jeronimidis
J4. 2012 (4):  484-493.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60144-3
摘要 ( 1239 )   PDF  

Biomechanical properties of squid suckers were studied to provide inspiration for the development of sucker artefacts for a robotic octopus. Mechanical support of the rings found inside squid suckers was studied by bending tests. Tensile tests were carried out to study the maximum possible sucking force produced by squid suckers based on the strength of sucker stalks, normalized by the sucking areas. The squid suckers were also directly tested to obtain sucking forces by a special testing arrangement. Inspired by the squid suckers, three types of sucker artefacts were developed for the arm skin of an octopus inspired robot. The first sucker artefact made of knitted nylon sheet reinforced silicone rubber has the same shape as the squid suckers. Like real squid suckers, this type of artefact also has a stalk that is connected to the arm skin and a ring to give radial support. The second design is a straight cylindrical structure with uniform wall thickness made of silicone rubber. One end of the cylinder is directly connected to the arm skin and the other end is open. The final design of the sucker has a cylindrical base and a concave meniscus top. The meniscus was formed naturally using the surface tension of silicone gel, which leads to a higher level of the liquid around the edge of a container. The wall thickness decreases towards the tip of the sucker opening. Sucking forces of all three types of sucker artefacts were measured. Advantages and disadvantages of each sucker type were discussed. The final design of suckers has been implemented to the arm skin prototypes.

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Microelectrode Recording of Tissue Neural Oscillations for a Bionic Olfactory Biosensor
Qingjun Liu, Fenni Zhang, Ning Hu, Hua Wang, Kuen Jimmy Hsia, Ping Wang
J4. 2012 (4):  494-500.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60146-7
摘要 ( 1057 )   PDF  

In olfactory research, neural oscillations exhibit excellent temporal regularity, which are functional and necessary at the physiological and cognitive levels. In this paper, we employed a bionic tissue biosensor which treats intact epithelium as sensing element to record the olfactory oscillations extracellularly. After being stimulated by odorant of butanedione, the olfactory receptor neurons generated different kinds of oscillations, which can be described as pulse firing oscillation, transient firing oscillation, superposed firing oscillation, and sustained firing oscillation, according to their temporal appearances respectively. With a time-frequency analysis of sonogram, the oscillations also demonstrated different frequency properties, such as δ, θ, α, β and γ oscillations. The results suggest that the bionic biosensor cooperated with sonogram analysis can well improve the investigation of olfactory oscillations, and provide a novel model for artificial olfaction sensor design.

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Experimental and Numerical Analyses of the Pull-out Response of a Steel Post/Bovine Bone Cementless Fixation
Khaled Gammoudi, Mohamed Kharrat, Maher Dammak
J4. 2012 (4):  501-507.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60142-X
摘要 ( 1438 )   PDF  

Effect of initial interference fit on pull-out strength in cementless fixation between bovine tibia and smooth stainless steel post was investigated in this study. Compressive behavior of bovine spongious bone was studied using mechanical testing in order to evaluate the elastic-plastic properties in different regions of the proximal tibia. Friction tests were carried out in the aim to evaluate the friction behavior of the contact between bovine spongious bone and stainless steel. A cylindrical stainless steel post inserted in a pre-drilled bovine tibia with an initial interference fit was taken as an in vitro model to assess the contribution of post fixation to the initial stability of the Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) tibial component. Pull-out experiments were carried out for different initial interference fits. Finite Element Models (FEM) using local elastic-plastic properties of the bovine bone were developed for the analysis of the experimental ultimate pull-out force results. At the post/bone interface, Coulomb friction was considered in the FEM calculations with pressure-dependent friction coefficient. It was found that the FEM results of the ultimate force are in good agreement with the experimental results. The analysis of the FEM interfacial stresses indicates that the micro-slip initiation depends on the local bone properties.

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The Model Identification for Small Unmanned Aerial Rotorcraft Based on Adaptive Ant Colony Algorithm
Xusheng Lei, Kexin Guo
J4. 2012 (4):  508-514.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(11)60135-2
摘要 ( 994 )   PDF  

This paper proposes a model identification method to get high performance dynamic model of a small unmanned aerial rotorcraft. With the analysis of flight characteristics, a linear dynamic model is constructed by the small perturbation theory. Using the micro guidance navigation and control module, the system can record the control signals of servos, the state information of attitude and velocity information in sequence. After the data preprocessing, an adaptive ant colony algorithm is proposed to get optimal parameters of the dynamic model. With the adaptive adjustment of the pheromone in the selection process, the proposed model identification method can escape from local minima traps and get the optimal solution quickly. Performance analysis and experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the identified dynamic model. Compared with real flight data, the identified model generated by the proposed method has a better performance than the model generated by the adaptive genetic algorithm. Based on the identified dynamic model, the small unmanned aerial rotorcraft can generate suitable control parameters to realize stable hovering, turning, and straight flight.

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