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Effects of Methanol on Wettability of the Non-Smooth Surface on Butterfly Wing

Yan Fang1,2; Gang Sun1,2; Qian Cong1; Guang-hua Chen1; Lu-quan Ren1   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Terrain-Machine Bionics Engineering (Ministry of Education, China), Jilin University, Changchun 130022, P. R. China
    2. School of Life Science, Changchun Normal University, Changchun 130032, P. R. China
  • Received:2007-10-08 Revised:2008-05-03 Online:2008-06-30 Published:2008-05-03
  • Contact: Qian Cong

Abstract: The contact angles of distilled water and methanol solution on the wings of butterflies were determined by a visual contact angle measuring system. The scale structures of the wings were observed using scanning electron microscopy, The influence of the scale micro- and ultra-structure on the wettability was investigated. Results show that the contact angle of distilled water on the wing surfaces varies from 134.0˚ to 159.2˚;. High hydrophobicity is found in six species with contact angles greater than 150˚;. The wing surfaces of some species are not only hydrophobic but also resist the wetting by methanol solution with 55% concentration. Only two species in Parnassius can not resist the wetting because the micro-structure (spindle-like shape) and ultra-structure (pinnule-like shape) of the wing scales are remarkably different from that of other species. The concentration of methanol solution for the occurrence of spreading/wetting on the wing surfaces of different species varies from 70% to 95%. After wetting by methanol solution for 10 min, the distilled water contact angle on the wing surface increases by 0.8˚2.1˚;, showing the promotion of capacity against wetting by distilled water.

Key words: butterfly wing, non-smooth surface, scale, wettability, micro/ultra-structure