Analysis of Bone Remodeling Under Piezoelectricity Effects Using Boundary Elements
Miguel Cerrolaza1,2, Vannessa Duarte1,3, Diego Garzón-Alvarado4
1. National Institute of Bioengineering, Central University of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
2. International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
3. Virtual Rooms Program (CIMNE), Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
4. Laboratory of Biomimetics, Group of Mechanobiology of Organs and Tissues, Biotechnology Institute, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
Miguel Cerrolaza, Vannessa Duarte, Diego Garzón-Alvarado. Analysis of Bone Remodeling Under Piezoelectricity Effects Using Boundary Elements[J].Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2017, 14(4): 659-671.