仿生工程学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 236-246.doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42235-018-0018-8

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A Variable Stiffness Soft Gripper Using Granular Jamming and Biologically Inspired Pneumatic Muscles

Loai Al Abeach1,2*, Samia Nefti-Meziani1, Theo Theodoridis1, Steve Davis1#br#   

  1. 1. Autonomous Systems and Robotics Research Centre, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT, UK
    2. Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Basra University, Basra 61004, Iraq
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-05 修回日期:2017-11-15 出版日期:2018-03-10 发布日期:2017-11-16
  • 通讯作者: Loai Al Abeach E-mail:l.a.t.alabeach@edu.salford.ac.uk
  • 作者简介:Loai Al Abeach1,2*, Samia Nefti-Meziani1, Theo Theodoridis1, Steve Davis1

A Variable Stiffness Soft Gripper Using Granular Jamming and Biologically Inspired Pneumatic Muscles

Loai Al Abeach1,2*, Samia Nefti-Meziani1, Theo Theodoridis1, Steve Davis1#br#   

  1. 1. Autonomous Systems and Robotics Research Centre, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT, UK
    2. Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Basra University, Basra 61004, Iraq
  • Received:2017-07-05 Revised:2017-11-15 Online:2018-03-10 Published:2017-11-16
  • Contact: Loai Al Abeach E-mail:l.a.t.alabeach@edu.salford.ac.uk
  • About author:Loai Al Abeach1,2*, Samia Nefti-Meziani1, Theo Theodoridis1, Steve Davis1

摘要: As the domains, in which robots operate change the objects a robot may be required to grasp and manipulate, are likely to vary sig-nificantly and often. Furthermore there is increasing likelihood that in the future robots will work collaboratively alongside people. There has therefore been interest in the development of biologically inspired robot designs which take inspiration from nature. This paper pre-sents the design and testing of a variable stiffness, three fingered soft gripper, which uses pneumatic muscles to actuate the fingers and granular jamming to vary their stiffness. This gripper is able to adjust its stiffness depending upon how fragile/deformable the object being grasped is. It is also lightweight and low inertia, making it better suited to operation near people. Each finger is formed from a cylindrical rubber bladder filled with a granular material. It is shown how decreasing the pressure inside the finger increases the jamming effect and raises finger stiffness. The paper shows experimentally how the finger stiffness can be increased from 21 N•m−1 to 71 N•m−1. The paper also describes the kinematics of the fingers and demonstrates how they can be position-controlled at a range of different stiffness values.

关键词: biologically inspired robots, soft robotics, pneumatic muscles, variable stiffness actuation, soft grippers

Abstract: As the domains, in which robots operate change the objects a robot may be required to grasp and manipulate, are likely to vary sig-nificantly and often. Furthermore there is increasing likelihood that in the future robots will work collaboratively alongside people. There has therefore been interest in the development of biologically inspired robot designs which take inspiration from nature. This paper pre-sents the design and testing of a variable stiffness, three fingered soft gripper, which uses pneumatic muscles to actuate the fingers and granular jamming to vary their stiffness. This gripper is able to adjust its stiffness depending upon how fragile/deformable the object being grasped is. It is also lightweight and low inertia, making it better suited to operation near people. Each finger is formed from a cylindrical rubber bladder filled with a granular material. It is shown how decreasing the pressure inside the finger increases the jamming effect and raises finger stiffness. The paper shows experimentally how the finger stiffness can be increased from 21 N•m−1 to 71 N•m−1. The paper also describes the kinematics of the fingers and demonstrates how they can be position-controlled at a range of different stiffness values.

Key words: variable stiffness actuation, soft grippers, biologically inspired robots, soft robotics, pneumatic muscles