Journal of Bionic Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 1695-1706.
Jie Zhang1,2,3; Jiannan Cai1; Ke Ma2; Jinzhao Yang2;Zhigang Wu2; Haijun Peng3; Jianing Wu1,2
Jie Zhang1,2,3; Jiannan Cai1; Ke Ma2; Jinzhao Yang2;Zhigang Wu2; Haijun Peng3; Jianing Wu1,2
摘要: Modular continuum robots possess signifcant versatility across various scenarios; however, conventional assembling methods typically rely on linear connection between modules. This limitation can impede the robotic interaction capabilities, especially in specifc engineering applications. Herein, inspired by the assembling pattern between the femur and tibia in a human knee, we proposed a multidirectional assembling strategy. This strategy encompasses linear, oblique, and orthogonal connections, allowing a two-module continuum robot to undergo in-situ reconfguration into three distinct initial confgurations. To anticipate the fnal confguration resulting from diverse assembling patterns, we employed the positional formulation fnite element framework to establish a mechanical model, and the theoretical results reveal that our customizable strategy can ofer an efective route for robotic interactions. We showcased diverse assembling patterns for coping with interaction requirements. The experimental results indicate that our modular continuum robot not only reconfgures its initial profle in situ but also enables on-demand regulation of the fnal confguration. These capabilities provide a foundation for the future development of modular continuum robots, enabling them to be adaptable to diverse environments, particularly in unstructured surroundings.