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Mechanical Properties of Collagen Biomimetic Films Formed
in the Presence of Calcium, Silica and Chitosan

Mihai Chirita   

  1. Medical Bioengineering Faculty, Medicine and Pharmacy University “Gr.T.Popa”, Iasi 7000115, Romania
  • Received:2008-03-02 Revised:2008-04-12 Online:2008-06-30 Published:2008-04-12
  • Contact: Mihai Chirita

Abstract: Using eucollagen solutions from ox hide, we cast collagen films to assess the influence of calcium and silica on the re-constitution of the fibrous structure of collagen. The tensile strength and the breaking elongation of the reconstituted collagen films were measured and analysed. Significant differences were observed between reconstituted collagen films with and without calcium and silica. The breaking elongation of the films obtained in the presence of silica was significantly greater, and the degradation was lower than other films of reconstituted collagen. Collagen and chitosan do not exist together as blends in nature, but the specific properties of each may be used to produce in biomimetic way man-made blends with biomedical applications, that confer unique structural, mechanical (detail) and in-vivo properties.

Key words: chitosan, modified collagen biomimetic films, biomaterials, biopolymers, mechanical properties