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Journal of Bionic Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (6): 2893-2912.doi: 10.1007/s42235-024-00601-8

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Design of BalanSENS: Functional Evaluation in Ankle Preparation Phase

 Tugce Ersoy1 · Elif Hocaoglu3,4 · Pınar Kaya2 · Ramazan Unal1   

  1. 1.  Mechanical Engineering, Ozyegin University, Orman, 34794 Istanbul, Turkey  2. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Istanbul Medipol University, Ekinciler, 34810 Istanbul, Turkey  3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Medipol University, Ekinciler, 34810 Istanbul, Turkey  4. SABITA (Research Institute for Health Sciences and Technologies), Istanbul Medipol University, Ekinciler, 34810 Istanbul, Turkey
  • Online:2024-12-20 Published:2024-12-17
  • Contact: Tugce Ersoy; Elif Hocaoglu;Pınar Kaya;Ramazan Unal E-mail: tugce.ersoy@ozu.edu.tr; ehocaoglu@medipol.edu.tr; pkaya@medipol.edu.tr; ramazan.unal@ozyegin.edu.tr
  • About author: Tugce Ersoy1 · Elif Hocaoglu3,4 · P?nar Kaya2 · Ramazan Unal1

Abstract: In this study, we present the design and development evaluation of BalanSENS toward the realization of the Integrated Balance Rehabilitation (I-BaR) framework. BalanSENS is designed to encourage active participation by integrating multi-sensory information with the co-improvement of sensory and motor functions. Moreover, it can offer individual rehabilitation design with the integration of three phases. The first phase provides foot-ankle muscle activation and movement sensation development. In the second phase, sensory weighting skills and upper extremities independence can be improved by using multi-sensory input. In the last/stepping phase, walking parameters are aimed to be improved with modulated distance. The parallel manipulator is designed through simulations to determine actuation properties and analyze the load-bearing capacity and feasibility of the materials. Drawing from simulation outcomes, an operational 3 DoF platform is constructed to demonstrate their design suitability for the I-BaR framework. Furthermore, design evaluations demonstrated promising results in quantifying force and real-time data monitoring during the passive ankle preparation phase.

Key words: Integrated balance rehabilitation (I-BaR) · Robotic rehabilitation · Multi-modal sensory feedback · Postural adjustment