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2007年, 第4卷, 第1期 刊出日期:2007-03-30
The Sandfish’s Skin: Morphology, Chemistry and Reconstruction
Werner Baumgartner, Friederike Saxe, Agnes Weth, David Hajas, Darwin Sigumonrong,Jens Emerlich, Martin Singheiser3, Wolfgang Böhme4, Jochen M. Schneider
J4. 2007 (1):  1-10.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1707 )   PDF  
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Study of the Geometry and Folding Pattern of Leaves of Mimosa pudica

H. S. Patil, Siddharth Vaijapurkar

J4. 2007 (1):  19-24.  DOI:
摘要 ( 2168 )   PDF  
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Computational Research on Modular Undulating Fin for Biorobotic Underwater Propulsor
Yong-hua Zhang, Lai-bing Jia, Shi-wu Zhang, Jie Yang, K. H. Low
J4. 2007 (1):  25-32.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1701 )   PDF  
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Non-Smooth Morphologies of Typical Plant Leaf Surfaces and Their Anti-Adhesion Effects
Lu-quan Ren, Shu-jie Wang, Xi-mei Tian, Zhi-wu Han, Lin-na Yan, Zhao-mei Qiu
J4. 2007 (1):  33-40.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1651 )   PDF  
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Development of Junction Elements from Study of the Bionics
Wilson Kindlein Junior, Luis Henrique Alves Cândido, André Canal Marques,Sandra Souza dos Santos, Maurício da Silva Viegas
J4. 2007 (1):  41-46.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1765 )   PDF  
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The Microstructures of Butterfly Wing Scales in Northeast of China
Li-yan Wu, Zhi-wu Han, Zhao-mei Qiu, Hui-ying Guan, Lu-quan Ren
J4. 2007 (1):  47-52.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1382 )   PDF  
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Multisensor Data Fusion for High Quality Data Analysis and Processing in Measurement and Instrumentation
Yan-bo Huang, Yu-bin Lan, W. C. Hoffmann, R. E. Lacey
J4. 2007 (1):  53-62.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1407 )   PDF  
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