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2017年, 第14卷, 第1期 刊出日期:2017-01-10
The Merits of Passive Compliant Joints in Legged Locomotion: Fast Learning, Superior Energy Efficiency and Versatile Sensing in a Quadruped Robot
Matej Hoffmann1,2, Jakub Simanek3
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  1-14.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60374-8
摘要 ( 354 )   PDF  
A quadruped robot with four actuated hip joints and four passive highly compliant knee joints is used to demonstrate the potential of underactuation from two standpoints: learning locomotion and perception. First, we show that: (i) forward loco-motion on flat ground can be learned rapidly (minutes of optimization time); (ii) a simulation study reveals that a passive knee configuration leads to faster, more stable, and more efficient locomotion than a variant of the robot with active knees; (iii) the robot is capable of learning turning gaits as well. The merits of underactuation (reduced controller complexity, weight, and energy consumption) are thus preserved without compromising the versatility of behavior. Direct optimization on the reduced space of active joints leads to effective learning of model-free controllers. Second, we find passive compliant joints with po-tentiometers to effectively complement inertial sensors in a velocity estimation task and to outperform inertial and pressure sensors in a terrain detection task. Encoders on passive compliant joints thus constitute a cheap and compact but powerful sensing device that gauges joint position and force/torque, and — if mounted more distally than the last actuated joints in a legged robot — it delivers valuable information about the interaction of the robot with the ground.
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Overview of Gait Synthesis for the Humanoid COMAN
Chengxu Zhou1, Xin Wang1,2, Zhibin Li1,3, Nikos Tsagarakis1
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  15-25.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60373-6
摘要 ( 179 )   PDF  
This paper focuses on the developments of a generic gait synthesis for the humanoid robot COMAN. Relying on the essential Gait Pattern Generator (GPG), the proposed synthesis offers enhanced versatilities for the locomotion under different purposes, and also provides the data storage and communication mechanisms among different modules. As an outcome, we are able to augment new abilities for COMAN by integrating new control modules and software tools at a cost of very few modifications. Moreover, foot placement optimization is introduced to the GPG to optimize the gait parameter references in order to meet the robot’s natural dynamics and kinematics, which enhances the synthesis’s robustness while it’s being implemented on real robots. We have also presented a practical approach to generate pelvis motion from CoM references using a simplified three-point-mass model, as well as a straightforward but effective idea for the state estimation using the sensory feedback. Three physical experiments were studied in an increasing complexity to demonstrate the effectiveness and successful implementation of the proposed gait synthesis on a real humanoid system.
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Design and Characterization of Magnetically Actuated Helical Swimmers at Submillimeter-scale
Lefeng Wang, Huichao Xu, Wenhe Zhai, Bensong Huang, Weibin Rong
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  26-33.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60375-X
摘要 ( 242 )   PDF  
Bacteria with helical flagella show an ideal mechanism to swim at low Reynolds number. For application of artificial microswimmers, it is desirable to identify effects of structural and geometrical parameters on the swimming performance. In this study, a double-end helical swimmer is proposed based on the usual single-end helical one to improve the forward-backward motion symmetry. The propulsion model of the artificial helical microswimmer is described. Influences of each helix parameter on the swimming velocity and propulsion efficiency are further analyzed. The optimal design for achieving a maximum propulsion velocity of submillimeter scale swimmers is performed based on some constraints. An experimental setup consisting of three-pair of Helmholtz coils is built for the helical microswimmers. Experiments of microswimmers with several groups of parameters were performed, and the results show the validity of the analysis and design.
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Analysis and Experiment on the Steering Control of a Water-running Robot Using Hydrodynamic Forces
HyunGyu Kim1, Kyungmin Jeong2, TaeWon Seo1
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  34-46.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60376-1
摘要 ( 217 )   PDF  
Steering is important for the high maneuverability of mobile robots. Many studies have been performed to improve the maneuverability using a tail. The aim of this research was to verify the performance of a water-running robot steering on water using a tail. Kinematic analysis was performed for the leg mechanism and the interaction forces between the water and the feet to calculate the propulsive drag force of the water. This paper suggests a simplified planar two-link rigid body model to determine the dynamic performance of the robotic platform with respect to the effect of the tail’s motion. Simulations based on a dynamic model were performed by applying a range of motions to the tail. In addition, a simulation with a Bang-bang controller was also performed to control the main frame’s yawing locomotion. Finally, an experiment was conducted with the controller, and the simulation and experimental results were compared. These results can be used as a guideline to develop a steerable water-running robot.
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Design and Myoelectric Control of an Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hand
Nianfeng Wang, Kunyi Lao, Xianmin Zhang
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  47-59.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60377-3
摘要 ( 301 )   PDF  
This paper presents an anthropomorphic prosthetic hand using flexure hinges, which is controlled by the surface electromyography (sEMG) signals from 2 electrodes only. The prosthetic hand has compact structure with 5 fingers and 4 Degree of Freedoms (DoFs) driven by 4 independent actuators. Helical springs are used as elastic joints and the joints of each finger are coupled by tendons. The myoelectric control system which can classify 8 prehensile hand gestures is built. Pattern recognition is employed where Mean Absolute Value (MAV), Variance (VAR), the fourth-order Autoregressive (AR) coefficient and Sample Entropy (SE) are chosen as the optimal feature set and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is utilized to reduce the dimension. A decision of hand gestures is generated by LDA classifier after the current projected feature set and the previous one are “pre-smoothed”, and then the final decision is obtained when the current decision and previous decisions are “post-smoothed” from the decisions flow. The prosthetic hand can perform prehensile postures for activities of daily living and carry objects under the control of EMG signals.
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Effect of Different Types of Wing-Wing Interactions in Flapping MAVs
Wee Beng Tay
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  60-74.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60378-5
摘要 ( 230 )   PDF  
Wing-Wing Interaction (WWI), such as the Clap and Fling Motion (CFM), occurs when two wings are flapping close together, improving performance. We intend to design a hovering Flapping Micro Aerial Vehicle (FMAV) which makes use of WWI. We investigate the effects of flexibility, kinematic motions, and two- to six-wing flapping configurations on the FMAV through numerical simulations. Results show that a rigid spanwise and flexible chordwise wing produces the highest lift with minimum power. The smoothly varying sinusoidal motion, which is visually similar to the CFM, produces similar lift in comparison to the CFM, while having lower peak power requirement. Lastly, lift produced by each wing of the two-, four-, six-wing configurations is approximately equal. Hence more wings generate higher total lift force, but at the expense of higher drag and power requirement. These results will be beneficial in the understanding of the underlying aerodynamics of WWI, and in improving the performance of our FMAV.
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Aerodynamics of Ascending Flight in Fruit Flies
Xueguang Meng, Yanpeng Liu, Mao Sun
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  75-87.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60379-7
摘要 ( 242 )   PDF  
As a very basic flight mode, ascending flight is obviously of great importance to all kinds of manmade and natural fliers. Yet, for the most commonly seen fliers - insects, researches on this flight mode are rare. In this paper, we combined both experimental measurements and numerical simulations to investigate the kinematical characteristics, aerodynamic performance and power requirement of ascending flight in fruit flies (Drosophila virilis). The flies ascend at an advance ratio of about 0.12. The most significant characteristic of ascending flight is larger stroke amplitude compared to hovering, while the other kinematics is very similar. From an aerodynamics point of view, this increased stroke amplitude is needed to overcome the negative effects of “downwash flow”, caused by the upward motion of the fly. Same as hovering, the ascending fruit flies utilize delayed stall and fast pitching-up mechanisms to generate the majority of the lift required for balancing the weight and body drag. By using a larger stroke-amplitude to overcome the negative effects of “downwash flow”, larger energy cost (about 20%) than that of equivalent hovering is required.
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Flow Confinement Effects on the Wake Structure behind a Pitching Airfoil: A Numerical Study Using an Immersed Boundary Method
Ali Akbar Hosseinjani, Ali Ashrafizadeh
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  88-98.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60380-3
摘要 ( 252 )   PDF  
The flow patterns and wake structures behind a pitching airfoil in an un-bounded domain have been studied extensively. In contrast, the flow phenomena associated with a pitching airfoil near a solid boundary have not been adequately studied or reported. This paper aims at filling this research gap by considering the flow confinement effects on the flow pattern around a pitching airfoil. To achieve this goal, the flow fields around a flapping airfoil in un-bounded, bounded and semi-bounded domains are studied and compared. Numerical simulations are carried out at a fixed Reynolds number, Re = 255, and at a fixed oscillation frequency corresponding to St = 0.22. An accurate immersed boundary method is employed to calculate the unsteady flow fields around the airfoil at various flapping amplitudes. It is argued that two flow mechanisms, here called “the interaction effect” and “the induced reverse flow effect” are responsible for the variations of the flow field due to the presence of a nearby solid boundary.
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Power Extraction Performance of a Semi-activated Flapping Foil in Gusty Flow
Jiapu Zhan1, Bing Xu1, Jie Wu1,2, Jing Wu1
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  99-110.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60381-5
摘要 ( 209 )   PDF  
A numerical investigation on the power extraction performance of a semi-activated flapping foil in gusty flow is conducted by using the commercial software FLUENT. The foil is forced to pitch around the axis at one-third chord and heave in the vertical direction due to the period lift force. Different from previous work with uniform flow, an unsteady flow with cosinusoidal velocity profile is considered in this work. At a Reynolds number of 1100, the influences of the mechanical parameters (spring constant and damping coefficient), the amplitude and frequency of the pitching motion, the amplitude of the gust fluctuation and the phase difference between the pitching motion and the gusty flow on the power extraction performance are systematically investigated. Compared with the case of uniform flow, the capability energy harvesting of the system is enhanced by the introduction of the gusty flow. For a given pitching amplitude and frequency, the power extraction efficiency increases with the gust fluctuation amplitude. Moreover, with an optimal phase difference between pitch and gust (φ = 180?), the efficiency can be further enhanced due to the generation of high lift force.
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Functional Morphology and Bending Characteristics of the Honeybee Forewing
Yun Ma, Huilan Ren, Jianguo Ning, Pengfei Zhang
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  111-118.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60382-7
摘要 ( 203 )   PDF  
The present work aimed to reveal the functional morphology and bending characteristics of the worker honeybee (Apis mellifera) forewing. Honeybee wings including the forewing and hindwing, which are mainly composed of veins and membranes, are a kind of typical hierarchical biomaterials. We investigated the cross-sections of membranes, veins and wing hairs through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Based on the microscopic observation, it was found that the vein is a thick-walled cylinder, and the membrane possesses multilayered structure and so does the wing hair which shows the thread surface. At the vein-membrane conjunctive position, membranes and veins are assembled seamlessly and veins are packed smoothly and tightly by membranes into a whole, allowing honeybees to perform excellent flapping flight. In such a case, we also conducted the cantilevered bending experiment of honeybee forewing to explore their bending characteristics using a MTS Tytron 250 micro force tester. Experiment results indicate that the anti-bending capacity of the forewing along the spanwise direction is higher than that along the chordwise direction which is partly caused by the wing corrugation along the wing span detected by the micro-Computed Tomography (micro-CT), and ventral load bearing ability is better than dorsal one along the spanwise and chordwise direction of the wing which is due to the stress-stiffening of membranes. It could be concluded that the structural configuration of the wing is closely relevant to wing biomechanical behaviors. All results above would provide a significant support for the design of bioinspired wings for Flapping Micro Aerial Vehicles (FMAV).
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Bio-inspired Polyimine Copolymers: Facial Integration with High Content Variability and Extremal Transitions of Mechanical Properties
Si Zhang, Yanting Lv, Long Zheng, Jiayi Li, Song Liang, Zhenning Liu, Luquan Ren
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  119-129.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60383-9
摘要 ( 269 )   PDF  
Natural composites have inspired the fabrication of various biomimetic composites that have achieved enhancement on certain mechanical performance. Herein, a facial approach enabled by recent advances in polyimine chemistry has been developed to fabricate bio-inspired hard-soft-integrated copolymers from two polyimines (i.e. PI-H and PI-S) with hardness differential. Subsequent evaluations of multiple mechanical properties on the bio-inspired copolymers with PI-S contents of full-range variability (0 wt%–100 wt%) have revealed extremal transitions for friction coefficients, impact strengths and tensile moduli. More interestingly, the minimum points of friction coefficients show a deformation-resisting response toward the change of applied loads, but not for the altered sliding speeds, suggesting a more significant role of load in determining the optimal anti-friction composition of the hard-soft integrated copolymers. These trends have been further corroborated by scanning electron microscopy of the worn specimens. Together these results have demonstrated that full-range extremal transitions exist on multiple mechanical properties for hard-soft-integrated copolymers, providing valuable insights to the design and fabrication of composite polymers for many applications. The polyimine-based approach outlined here also affords a convenient method to tune the ratio of two components in the copolymers within the full range of 0 wt%–100 wt%, enabling quick integration with high content variability.
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Bio-inspired Graphene-enhanced Thermally Conductive Elastic Silicone Rubber as Drag Reduction Material#br#
Limei Tian1, E Jin1, Haoran Mei2, Qingpeng Ke1, Ziyuan Li1, Hailin Kui3
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  130-140.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60384-0
摘要 ( 247 )   PDF  
This study presented a graphene platelet/silicone rubber (GPL/SR) composite as a drag reduction material, inspired by the boundary heating drag reduction mechanism of dolphin skin. Graphene was added as a thermally conductive filler at weight fractions of 0.17 wt%, 0.33 wt% and 0.67 wt% to pristine silicone rubber (PSR). Tests of the thermal conductivity and tensile properties showed that the thermal conductivity of all three GPL/SR materials of 0.17 wt%, 0.33 wt% and 0.67 wt% graphene were 20%, 40% and 50% higher than that of the PSR, respectively, and the elastic modulus of the 0.17 wt% GPL/SR materials was lowest. Droplet velocity testing, which can reflect the drag reduction mechanism of the heating boundary controlled by the GPL/SR composite, was performed between 0.33 wt% GPL/SR, which typically exhibits good mechanical properties and thermal conductivity performance, and the PSR. The results showed that on the 0.33 wt% GPL/SR, the droplet velocity was higher and the rolling angle was lower, implying that the GPL/SR composite had a drag-reducing function. In terms of the drag reduction mechanism, the heat conductivity performance of the GPL/SR accelerated the heat transfer between the GPL/SR composite surface and the droplet. The forces between the molecules decreased and the droplet dynamic viscosity was reduced. The drag of a sliding water droplet was proportional to the dynamic viscosity, which resulted in drag reduction. The application of GPL/SR material to the control fluid medium should have important value for fluid machinery.
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Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber Braided Yarn Woven Composite: Comparison with Conventional Yarn Woven Composite
Murugan Rajesh, Jeyaraj Pitchaimani
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  141-150.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60385-2
摘要 ( 288 )   PDF  
The effect of reinforcing natural fiber in the form of braided yarn woven fabric on mechanical properties of polymer composite was investigated. The results of braided yarn fabric composites were compared with the conventional yarn fabric composite and random oriented intimately mixed short fiber composites for the same percentage of fiber weight. The effect of intra-ply hybridization, by keeping two different natural fiber yarns along two different directions of a woven fabric, on mechanical properties of the woven fabric composite was also analyzed. Natural fiber braided yarn fabric reinforcement significantly increased the mechanical properties of the composites compared with that of the conventional woven fabric and short fiber reinforcements. Intra-ply hybridization of two different natural fibers improved the mechanical properties of the conventional woven fabric composite while it could not enhance the properties of the braided fabric composite. The improvement in impact property is very high compared to tensile and flexural properties due to the braided yarn fabric reinforcement.
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On Building Practical Biocomputers for Real-world Applications: Receptacles for Culturing Slime Mould Memristors and Component Standardisation
Edward Braund, Eduardo Reck Miranda
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  151-162.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60386-4
摘要 ( 152 )   PDF  
Our application of bionic engineering is novel: we are interested in developing hybrid hardware-wetware systems for music. This paper introduces receptacles for culturing Physarum polycephalum-based memristors that are highly accessible to the creative practitioner. The myxomycete Physarum polycephalum is an amorphous unicellular organism that has been found to exhibit memristive properties. Such a discovery has potential to allow us to move towards engineering electrical systems that encompass Physarum polycephalum components. To realise this potential, it is necessary to address some of the constraints associated with harnessing living biological entities in systems for real-time application. Within the paper, we present 3D printed receptacles designed to standardise both the production of components and memristive observations. Subsequent testing showed a significant decrease in growth time, increased lifespan, and superior similarity in component-to-component responses. The results indicate that our receptacle design may provide means of implementing hybrid electrical systems for music technology.
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Design of a Bionic Blade for Vegetable Chopper
Jin Tong, Shun Xu, Donghui Chen, Mo Li
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  163-171.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60387-6
摘要 ( 270 )   PDF  
Bamboo weevil larva has excellent performance on cutting plant fiber. From quantitative analysis of the mandible incisor profile of bamboo weevil larva, it was found that the primary cutting edge of incisor is close to a standard circular arc, which is helpful for improving the cutting efficiency of mandible incisor. Inspired from the geometrical characteristics of the bamboo weevil larva’s incisor, a new bionic mincing blade was designed and manufactured. The experimental results of chopping equal Chinese cabbages showed that, when the rotational speed was 1400 rpm, the mincing energy consumption of bionic blade was 12.8% lower than conventional blade and the chopping efficiency of bionic blade was 12.5% higher. Meanwhile, the mincing capacity of bionic blade was 36 kg?h−1, which was 1.5 times of that of the conventional blade, 24 kg?h−1. The material weight loss rate was 11.2 % lower than that of conventional blade. The qualification rate of the minced cabbage chopped by bionic blade was 93.3%, which was higher than the 85.7% of conventional blade. Therefore, the bionic blade could obviously promote the quality of product and the working efficiency of mincing machine. These results would provide guidance for designing cutting component of vegetable choppers, succulence cutter and other food processing machines.
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Natural Propulsion with Lorentz Force and Nanoparticles in a Bioinspired Lopsided Ciliated Channel
Noreen Sher Akbar1, Liaqat Ali Khan2, Zafar Hayat Khan3, Nazir Ahmed Mir2
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  172-181.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60388-8
摘要 ( 328 )   PDF  
The transportation of biological and industrial nanofluids by natural propulsion like cilia movement and self-generated contraction-relaxation of flexible walls has tremendous applications in various fields. Inspired by multidisciplinary invention in this direction, a fluid mechanical model is proposed to study the Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) and heat transfer for nanofluids fabricated by the dispersion of nanoparticles in water as base fluid. The steady flow is induced by metachronal wave propulsion due to beating cilia. The flow regime is asymmetric channel. The flow is restricted under the low Reynolds number and long wavelength approximations. Cilia boundary conditions for velocity components are employed to find the exact solutions. The impacts of pertinent physical parameters on temperature profile, velocity profile, pressure, and stream lines are computed numerically. It is observed that velocity is inversely proportional to magnetic Reynolds number, Reynolds number, Strommer’s number and velocity is directly proportional to flow rate. It is analyzed that temperature is inversely proportional to Strommer’s number and magnetic Reynolds number and directly proportional to Brinkmann number and flow rate. The temperature is maximum at the center of the channel and it starts decreasing towards the boundary walls.
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Analysis of Combined Convective and Viscous Dissipation Effects for Peristaltic Flow of Rabinowitsch Fluid Model
Hina Sadaf, Sohail Nadeem
仿生工程学报. 2017 (1):  182-191.  DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60389-X
摘要 ( 297 )   PDF  
In this article, mathematical modeling for peristaltic flow of Rabinowitsch fluid model is considered in a non-uniform tube with combined effects of viscous dissipation and convective boundary conditions. Wall properties analysis is also taken into account. Non-dimensional differential equations are simplified by using the well-known assumptions of low Reynolds number and long wavelength. The influence of various parameters connected with this flow problem such as rigidity parameter E1, stiffness parameter E2, viscous damping force parameter E3, Brickman number and Biot number are plotted for velocity distribution, temperature profile and for stream function. Results are plotted and discussed in detail for shear thinning, shear thickening and for viscous fluid. It is found that velocity profile is an increasing function of rigidity parameter, stiffness parameter, and viscous damping force parameter for shear thinning and for viscous fluid, due to the less resistance offered by the walls but, quite opposite behavior is depicted for shear thickening fluids. It is seen that Brickman number relates to the viscous dissipation effects, so it contributes in enhancing fluid temperature for all cases.
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