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2009年, 第6卷, 第1期 刊出日期:2009-03-30
Fabrication of Biomimetic Water Strider Legs Covered with Setae
Zhi-guo Zhou; Zhi-wen Liu
J4. 2009 (1):  1-6.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1612 )   PDF  
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Study on Tribological Properties of Irradiated Crosslinking UHMWPE Nano-Composite
Lei Xiong; Dang-sheng Xiong; Jia-bo Jin
J4. 2009 (1):  7-13.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1617 )   PDF  
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Body Building on Diamonds
Andrei P. Sommer; Dan Zhu; Tim Scharnweber; Hans-Joerg Fecht
J4. 2009 (1):  14-17.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1602 )   PDF  
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Fabrication of Piezoelectric Cellulose Paper and Audio Application
Jung-Hwan Kim; Sungryul Yun; Joo-Hyung Kim; Jaehwan Kim
J4. 2009 (1):  18-21.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1309 )   PDF  
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Research on the Long Time Swelling Properties of Poly (vinyl alcohol)/
Hydroxylapatite Composite Hydrogel
De-kun Zhang; Da-gang Wang; Jun-jie Duan; Shi-rong Ge
J4. 2009 (1):  22-28.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1384 )   PDF  
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Piezoelectrically Actuated Biomimetic Self-Contained Quadruped Bounding Robot
Thanhtam Ho; Sangyoon Lee
J4. 2009 (1):  29-36.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1577 )   PDF  
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Design and Implementation of Paired Pectoral Fins Locomotion of Labriform Fish Applied to a Fish Robot
Patar Ebenezer Sitorus; Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin; Edi Leksono; Agus Budiyono
J4. 2009 (1):  37-45.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1491 )   PDF  
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A Novel Vision Localization Method of Automated Micro-Polishing Robot
Zhao-jun Yang; Fei Chen; Ji Zhao; Xiao-jie Wu
J4. 2009 (1):  46-54.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1344 )   PDF  
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Autosub6000: A Deep Diving Long Range AUV
Stephen McPhail
J4. 2009 (1):  55-62.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1443 )   PDF  
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Wetting Characteristics of Insect Wing Surfaces
Doyoung Byun; Jongin Hong; Saputra; Jin Hwan Ko; Young Jong Lee;Hoon Cheol Park; Bong-Kyu Byun; Jennifer R. Lukes
J4. 2009 (1):  63-70.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1810 )   PDF  
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Anisotropism of the Non-Smooth Surface of Butterfly Wing
Gang Sun1,2; Yan Fang1,2; Qian Cong; Lu-quan Ren
J4. 2009 (1):  71-76.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1328 )   PDF  
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Modelling Immune System: Principles, Models, Analysis and Perspectives
Xiang-hua Li; Zheng-xuan Wang; Tian-yang Lu; Xiang-jiu Che
J4. 2009 (1):  77-85.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1397 )   PDF  
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Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks Based on Two-Stage
Bayesian Network Structure Learning Algorithm
Gui-xia Liu; Wei Feng; Han Wang; Lei Liu; Chun-guang Zhou
J4. 2009 (1):  86-92.  DOI:
摘要 ( 1245 )   PDF  
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